The report package contains methods for bots to notify a developer about runtime errors. The notification can be by email and into log file.
go get
- any object you want to include to a report with an error. As a rule, it contains some values regarding the current data processing.
// Report error:
report.Error(object, err)
// Report sql error:
report.SqlError(object, err, query, params...)
// Send a message
report.Message(subject, body)
// Print sql query with inlined parameters to stdout (console) while testing
report.Sql(query, params...)
// init email client:
host := `localhost`
port := 25
connTimeout := time.Second // for local smtp server
Only 20 emails per 30 minutes. The rest is ignored.
This is useful for notifications of errors, but has a limitation if emailing is too often.
In this case keep logging info to file.
emailNumber := 20
period := 30 * time.Minute
emailSender, err := smtpclient.New(host, port, connTimeout, emailNumber, period)
if err != nil {
// init simple logger for demonstration purposes
errorLogger := log.New(os.Stdout, "INFO:\t", log.Ldate|log.Ltime)
// init report client
appName := `mybot`
from := mail.Address{`Robot`,``}
to := []mail.Address{
{`To me`,``},
report, err := report.New(appName, emailSender, from, to, errorLogger)
if err != nil {
// Now we are ready to use the report
report.Message(appName + ` started`, ``)
url := ``
request, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
if err != nil {
report.Error(url, err) // you can pass 'url' as first parameter to include this value to a report
return report.ErrInternal
func (repo *SomeRepo) SelectSomeTable(ctx context.Context, object interface{}, SubjectId int) (uint, error) {
// Timings (QueryDeadline & QueryTimeWarning):
queryCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, repo.QueryDeadline) // Cancel query if QueryDeadline is exceeded.
defer cancel()
queryStart := time.Now()
var id uint
// for postgres:
query := repo.db.Rebind(`SELECT id FROM some_table WHERE subject_id=? AND actual`)
params := []interface{}{SubjectId}
if err := repo.db.QueryRowContext(queryCtx, query, params...).Scan(&id); err != nil {
switch {
case errors.Is(queryCtx.Err(), context.Canceled), errors.Is(queryCtx.Err(), context.DeadlineExceeded):
return 0, uerror.Context
case err == sql.ErrNoRows:
return 0, uerror.NotFound
// If there is some context data (object) to this query that you want to see in a report you can pass it as first parameter or pass nil., err, query, params...)
return 0, report.ErrInternal
// Warning if QueryTimeWarning is exceeded.
queryTime := time.Since(queryStart)
if queryTime > repo.QueryTimeWarning {, fmt.Errorf("query time: %v", queryTime), query, params...)
return id, nil
While testing you can use report.Sql()
subjectId = 5
categoryId = 2
query := `SELECT id FROM some_table WHERE subject_id=? AND category_id=?`
params := []interface{}{subjectId, categoryId}
report.Sql(query, params...)
to print sql query with inlined parameters to stdout (console):
SELECT id FROM some_table WHERE subject_id=5 AND category_id=2
Now you can execute this query in the database console.