Install ROS kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04 (Developed and tested)
Install pygame, numpy for python 2.7
Inside location_of_catkin_ws/src/ mkdir sbsim
Inside sbsim clone this repository
go to location_of_catkin_ws and catkin_make
Point to point control
Trajectory Tracking control
3 wheel independent control
* Robot's ball possession is legal only for x distance travelled. (x is tbd)* If x is reached, bot must pass, shoot or kick ball and regain possession.
* Incase of collision, bot possesing the ball given freekick
* if ball goes out outside field of play, possesion is given to the opposition at the line.
* Discrete time kinematics was used to model bot and ball.
* Used oblique collision model with suitable coefficient of restitution and inertias for collision physics
* Created a cascaded P controller for go to goal commands to bot
* added dribbler and kicker physics
* publishing goalmsgs to a particular bot triggers bot to go to goal
* publishes data as geometry_msgs/Pose
* Subscribes to geometry_msgs/Pose messages of ball pose, robot poses
* Used pygame to simulate the environment