Shopping Cart Coding Challange
Tea Price Coffee Price Cold Drinks Price Masala 10 Cold 15 Coke 20 Ice 15 Latte 30 Pepsi 20 Lemon 15 Mocha 40 Sprite 15
If total bill > 100, then put flat 10% discount on total amount, If total bill > 200 then 10% discount on 200 INR and 20% discount on the amount exceeding 200. You can keep item code for each like (TM, TI, TL, CC, CL, CM, CDC, CDP, CDS) which helps to give input to the bill generation code. Input (can be given from main program or from a Test, But not from console) List of Items code and its quantities Output: Print an itemized bill on the console. (Proper formatting or indentation not required) Sample bill below: Item Name Count Price (INR) Coffee - Latte 1 30 Tea - Ice 3 45 Cold Drinks - Pepsi 2 40 Total 115 Discount – 10% 11.5 Final Amount 103.5 INR