- to run tests:
- to record a screencast:
- change all comments to prints in your test file:
- linux:
sed -i 's/^\(\W*\)# \(.\+\)$/\1print(""" \2 """); import time; time.sleep(1)/g' file_name.py
- macOS: install the gnu-sed package:
brew install gnu-sed
then run the commandgsed -r 's/^\(\W*\)# \(.\+\)$/\1print(""" \2 """); import time; time.sleep(1)/g' file_name.py
- linux:
- disable headless in conftest:
- linux:
sed -i 's/chrome_options.add_argument("--headless")/# chrome_options.add_argument("--headless")/' conftest.py
- macOS:
gsed -r 's/chrome_options.add_argument("--headless")/# chrome_options.add_argument("--headless")/' conftest.py
- linux:
- run just your single test function:
pytest --capture=tee-sys -k test_grader_can_confirm_received_stones 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 | tee descriptive-name.txt
- make sure screenrecorder can see browser + last couple lines of terminal
- after all is done, revert the changes
git checkout test_admin_page_grader.py conftest.py
- edit descriptive-name.txt and upload the mp4 and txt to the trello card
- change all comments to prints in your test file:
- to upload initial data:
set -a; source ~/.env; set +a; ./manage.py shell
%run data_migration/populate_from_pytest_fixtures.py
- special users: vault, split, admin
- kyc will be done in remarks. we will have a checklist
- would you ever return parts of a consignment? ie. one parcel out of 3
start transfer should have search and select like user select
- cant tell if have confirmed stones or not
splits- why does the more descriptive error not show up
stones should have location and action to return to vault
vaultmasters can also split even if they dont own the thing
data entry needs to be able to split even if they dont own the thing
make sure splits add up
filter by user thing
move receipts to customers
backend to confirm stones
backend to return stones to vault
better error page for split (eg: not confirmed transfer yet, you are not the owner so you can't split)
split parcel -> add. u can choose who the user who split the parcel is- instead it should just autosave as the logged in user
make the 2. parcel info into an excel thing and have the return to vault button in the list view as well
stone table view
allow gary to confirm stones on vault's behalf
make a way to create splits and add new packages as the child of the split
make a way to create splits into stones
when splitting -> the parent ownership gets expired
permissions for creating split parcels
generate stone ID
make receipt ID and parcel ID unique. autogenerate them?
allow select group to confirm GIA/goldway user receipts
fix the search bar in the transfer thing
- in the transfer thing. default to only showing their stuff
- parcel admin view has split parcels in it
- take out user / received by option from parcel. instead track ownership transfer
- link parcel or split parcel to stone <- fixed by new splitting mechanism