The model consists of an Embedding Layer followed by a uni-directional Recurrent Neural networks and a fully connected layer.
The network stucture is depicted below:
Predicted next word
0 1 2 3 . . . . . 9999
| | | | . . . . . |
| softmax |
| fully-connected (512) |
| ACT: ELU |
|-----------------------| |
| LSTM (70) |----------------|
|Embedding (dim=40) |
|Input size=10000 |
| | | | . . . . . |
0 1 2 3 . . . . . 9999
Input sentence word sequnce
The model is trained to predict the next word in a sentence, given previous words of the sentence. Cross enthropy is used to measure model performance with 'accuracy' as the metric.
Once the model is trained, the condidtional probability of each word of a sentence, given its predecessor words, is estimated by the model. The sentence liklihood is calculated based condidtional probabilities of its words. For instance, the probabity of seneynces compoised of words
To correct word order in a given input sentence, the model compares liklihood of sentences constcructed by a window-based permutations of words and outputs a sentence corresponding to a word order with the highest liklihood in the longuage model. The model is also used to finish an input sequence of words as a sentence by predicting next sentence words.
- Directly running the scripts
- Using the web UI (developed using flask)
- Deploying the model in container (based on Docker) and using web UI
Builds a longuage model to estimate the liklihood of any sentence
Example usage:
$ python3 -n "English" -p "/data/english.txt"
Note a model with name "English" has already been trained in this repository using 16000 English sentences.
Estimates the liklihood of an input senetnce and finds an order of words that is most likely in the longuage model
Example usage:
$ python3 -n "English" -s "cat is there in a the room"
Using TensorFlow backend.
cat is there in a the room
there is a cat in the room
$ python3 -n "English" -s "rain it tomorrow will"
Using TensorFlow backend.
rain it tomorrow will
tomorrow it will rain
Completes an input sequnce of words as a sentnces (finish sentence)
Example usage:
$ python3 -n "English" -s "Life is too short to " -c 5
Using TensorFlow backend.
<BGN> life is too short to insist <EOS>
<BGN> life is too short to worry of running that returned with you
<BGN> life is too short to win at the bottom <EOS>
<BGN> life is too short to gather under ourselves management to force through
<BGN> life is too short to commence to the public <EOS>
$ python3 -n "English" -s "many people think" -c 5
Using TensorFlow backend.
<BGN> many people think of buying the other hand while prepared under their
<BGN> many people think all the blinds is a cool and wait bill
<BGN> many people think the larger regular enforcement were melted down by a
<BGN> many people think all the numbers was arrested by a less irritating
<BGN> many people think that he would go anywhere said he <EOS>
Creates a web inteface to use the model for word order correction and sentence creation (using a model trained for English).
Example usage:
$ python3
Using TensorFlow backend.
* Serving Flask app "run_server" (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: off
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
The web interface can be accessed in a browser when navigating to
Creates a container using Docker and creates a web interface to use the model (all required packages are installed automatically in the Docker container).
Example usage:
$ sudo docker build -t wordlm .
$ sudo docker run -p 8911:8911 -it wordlm python3
Navigate to in a broswer to accees the model web interface.