The Tutor Score Calculator is a simple microservice built on Java and this help is calculating the scores of the tutor based on the field.
$ ./gradlew clean build test
To clean, build, and run tests/checks you can run
$ ./gradlew clean build
To clean and create this Jar you can run
$ ./gradlew clean bootJar
If you want to do "everything", you can run
$ ./gradlew clean build bootJar
$ ./gradlew bootRun
When the app is up and running on a given port , try accesing the swagger URL from the given link , since by default teh server starts on 8080 , the swagger is accessible from hte given link below. Kindly chanage your port, when you spin up the spring app on any other port other than 8080. http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html
The api can be accessible and the tutor score can be calculated from the same.
The app can be tested from postman and curl via the given api exposed below
curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/tutor/v1/calculate" -H "accept: */*" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"kindOfExperience\": [ \"ONLINE_TUTORING\" ], \"totalExperience\": \"ABOVE_3_YEARS\", \"tutorId\": \"tutor-123456\"}"
The sample output for a success scenario can be like below :
"id": "tutor-123456",
"score": 3,
"formData": {
"tutoringExperience": "ABOVE_3_YEARS",
"tutoringKind": "ONLINE_TUTORING"
$ docker build . -t tutor-service
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 tutor-service:latest