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Version LaTeX/PDF de « Harry Potter et les Méthodes de la Rationnalité » #HPMOR en français

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Harry Potter et les Méthodes de la Rationalité

Traduction française de Harry Potter and the Methods Of Rationality en version LaTeX, très très largement basée sur le travail de AdrienH. Travail en cours.

Ce que j’ai déjà fait

  • Extraction du epub vf (un epub est un zip)
  • Dans OEBPS/Text, conversion des fichiers xhtml en tex, via
for f in *.xhtml; do
 pandoc $f -o ${f%.*}.tex;
  • Quelques substitutions via sed pour LaTeX (« \ldots » en « … » par exemple) et pour coller à la traduction française de Harry Potter (Draco en Drago) :
for f in *.tex; do {
 sed -z 's/\n\n/⏎/g ; s/\n/ /g ; s/⏎/\r\r/g ; s/Draco/Drago/g s/\\ldots{}/…/g ; s/\\ldots/…/g' $f > ${f%.*}_b.tex
}; done
  • Automatisation de plusieurs fautes récurrentes :
for f in *.tex; do {sed -i -e "s/c'est à dire/c'est-à-dire/g" $f}; done
for f in *.tex; do {sed -i -e "s/si il/s'il/g" $f}; done
for f in *.tex; do {sed -i -e "s/quelques un/quelques-un/g" $f}; done
for f in *.tex; do {sed -i -e "s/Serdaigles/Serdaigle/g" $f}; done
for f in *.tex; do {sed -i -e "s/Gryffondors/Gryffondor/g" $f}; done
for f in *.tex; do {sed -i -e "s/Serpentards/Serpentard/g" $f}; done
for f in *.tex; do {sed -i -e "s/Poufsouffles/Poufsouffle/g" $f}; done
  • Dans vim (pas réussi avec sed), remplacement par \later :
:args S*.tex
:%s/\n\~\n\n\\begin{center}\\rule{0.5\\linewidth}{0\.5pt}\\end{center}\n\n\~/\r\\later/g | update
  • Réintégration du contenu de ces fichiers tex "autocorrigés" dans les fichiers latex VO (+quelques modifications)
  • Balai ne prend pas de s au singulier. Semi-automatisation de la suppression
for f in *.tex; do {sed -i -e "s/n balais/n balai/g" $f}; done
  • Vérifier que la compilation LaTeX est OK
  • Sortir une première version (22.02 !)
  • Police spécifique pour les dialogues en fourchelangue (j’en discute ici avec le mainteneur de la version anglaise)

  • Mise en forme des dialogues avec « » et —
for f in *.tex; do {sed -z -i 's/"\n\n"/\r\r--- /g' $f}; done # automatisation d’une partie des dialogues
# remplacement manuel de " par « ou », lorsqu’un « n’est pas fermé (ex:15, gros dialogue), j’ajoute %» pour que le compte soit bon
for f in *.tex; do {sed -z -i 's/«/<<~/g ; s/»/~>>/g' $f}; done # remplacement de « et » par leurs équivalent LaTeX
  • Vérification qu’il n'y a plus de double-quote
for f in *.tex; do {
 compte=$(grep -o "\"" $f | wc -l);
 if test $compte != "0"; then printf "$f : $compte\n"; fi;
} done
  • Vérification de l’égalité des entrants/sortants {} “” ou <<~~>>
for f in *.tex; do {
 open=$(grep -o « $f | wc -l);
 close=$(grep -o » $f | wc -l);
 if test $open != $close; then printf "$f $open $close\n"; fi;
} done

Pour détecter où se situe l’erreur dans le fichier, j’ai pour l’instant trouver ce pauvre hack :

grep -o "<<~\|~>>" hpmor-chapter-120.tex | sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g' | grep --color "<<~~>>"

En affichant par paquet de 20 <<~~>> il était facile d’ouvrir le fichier avec vim et de taper 154n après /<<\~\|\~>>, un vrai compte automatique serait plus malin mais ce soir je n’avais pas envie de chercher plus loin. Je ne m’attendais pas à autant de bugs repérés ainsi automatiquemnt dans les guillemets (77 !), il y en a certainement encore plein mais les erreurs évidentes de non égalité entrants-sortants sont déjà un premier bon point.

  • Correction auto : Suppression des espaces en fin de ligne
for f in *.tex; do {sed -z -i "s/ \n/\r/g" $f}; done
  • Correcteur orthographique Enchant (dans Gedit)
  • Création d’un dictionnaire de mots à ignorer
cd ${HOME}/.config/enchant/ && mv fr_FR.dic{,.bak} 
ln -s '…gitdirectory…/hpmor/spelling-list.txt' fr_FR.dic
  • Remplacement des 'citations' par “citations”
  • Modification difficile à automatiser : robes trop souvent au pluriel (en anglais toujours au pluriel)
  • Un passage de grammalecte (plus de 1000 corrections !)
  • Correction du bug de texte qui dépasse d’une page du chapitre 23 et Omaké 4
  • Les notes du traducteur sont maintenant séparées des notes de l’auteur
  • Correction des accents dans les pages de titre des volumes
  • Une police manuscrite pour les extraits écrits à la main (courriers par exemple) (pas la police tangerine comme initialement prévue car elle manque un peu de lisibilité).

* Nouvelle couverture * Modifications difficiles à automatiser : - au lieu de — ou …, manque des - dans des nombres,… * Sortir une nouvelle version ([22.03]( !) * Correction du script d’export epub (pas de texte traduit dans le script, tous les \\ doivent disparaître, étrange \&nbssp;, tableau pas esthétique,…) * epub : Trop d’espaces dans les dialogues, pas de chapitrage, pas de polices intégrées, pas de notes d’auteur/traducteur correctement gérées… * Sortir une nouvelle version ([22.04]( !)

Travail en cours

  • Prévoir une version mobi ?
  • Traduire les quelques extraits toujours en anglais
  • Toujours utiliser des styles, ne jamais mettre de code de mise en forme directement dans le contenu
  • Check erreurs/warnings LaTeX (missing characters,…)
  • etc.

Restera à faire

  • Relecture linéaire complète pour retrouver les traductions bancales et fautes non corrigées automatiquement.
  • Attendre des contributions 😁

Harry Potter and the Methods Of Rationality

A LaTeX version of the popular didactic fan-fiction by Eliezer Yudkowsky, which can make a PDF e-book (one file) or printable books (either one or six volumes; the latter option is more practical to bind). There are also dust jackets for the printable volumes.

TeXLive 2015 or later and git are required to build the book. (Note: the book must be built from a git checkout.)

Note: the Omake Files chapters (11 and 64) have been moved to the end of the single-file PDF. Those chapter numbers are omitted in the text, so chapter 10 is followed by chapter 12, for example. Similarly, the chapter disclaimers and epigraphs are removed to an appendix. In the six-volume PDFs, all chapters are renumbered to start from 1 at the start of a book, and there are no appendices.


  • hpmor.tex - the main file
  • hp-format.tex - mostly sets up memoir
  • hp-markup.tex - logical markup commands used in the text
  • chapters/ - one file per chapter, included from hpmor.tex and the individual volumes hpmor-N.tex.
  • spelling-list.txt - a list of words used to spell-check the book.
  • fonts/ - various fonts used
  • latexmkrc - configures latexmk to run LaTeX to build the PDFs.
  • GNUMakefile - contains targets to make a Zip of the PDFs and release them to GitHub. (Mostly of interest to project maintainers.) make all does the same as latexmk (see below), which may be useful for editor integration (e.g. Emacs).

Building the book(s)

  • latexmk: Build all PDFs. (If in doubt, just run this command and do something else for twenty minutes!)
  • make all: Build a Zip of the PDFs.
  • latexmk hpmor: Build the one-volume PDF hpmor.pdf
  • latexmk hpmor-N: Build one of the six individual volumes hpmor-1.pdf to hpmor-6.pdf.
  • latexmk hpmor-dust-jacket-N: produce the dust jacket for Volume N, hpmor-dust-jacket-N.pdf. Note that this requires the corresponding volume, hpmor-N.pdf, to have been built first.
  • latexmk -c: Remove files produced by building (except PDFs).
  • latexmk -C: Remove files produced by building (including PDFs).

By default, the dust jackets assume 80gsm plain paper (this affects the thickness of the book and hence the size of the dust jacket). This can be configured in hp-paper-type.tex; see papers.tex for a list of papers.

The exact sizes of dust jackets may vary; the current parameters were taken from a commercial printer. They can be adjusted in hp-dust-jacket.tex as desired.

Note that the back dust-flap is left for you to add your own text; edit hp-dust-jacket.tex and search for “PUT YOUR BACK DUST-FLAP TEXT HERE!”. Make sure you remove the percent sign % at the start of the line, or your text will not be printed. (This is a safety feature to make sure that if you don’t change the text, the placeholder will not appear; instead, you’ll just get a blank back flap.)

When producing a book with a dust jacket, you may well not want the front cover as well. To suppress the front cover, use the following incantation:

latexmk -norc -e '$options="nocover"' -r latexmkrc -g hpmor-1

Of course, you can replace hpmor-1 with any other volume, or leave it out to generate all PDFs with no cover.

To build a single chapter, from the chapters directory use the command:

latexmk -norc -e '$chapter=N' -r ../latexmkrc -g hpmor-chapter-NNN

Similarly, to build a single appendix or other non-chapter section, from the top directory use the command:

latexmk -norc -e '$chapterfile=FILENAME' -r latexmkrc -g FILENAME


Contributions are most welcome. These fall into three main categories:

  1. Textual corrections (where the text differs from the online original unintentionally).
  2. Textual improvements: fixing straight-up errors in the English (or deeper, the sense, story etc.), or “Britfixing”, i.e. replacing non-British usages.
  3. Design and typography. Improvements to both the PDF and print versions of the books are encouraged. See the GitHub bug-tracker for known issues; also, search the sources for “FIXME”.
  4. Translations. Translations are of course most welcome! A list of known translations and one or two hints are given below in the next section.

For textual changes other than simple typo or language fixes, please familiarise yourself with the style guide (below).

The preferred way to submit any improvement is as a GitHub pull request. Textual corrections can also be submitted as issues in the issue tracker, or by email to the maintainer.

For the GitHub URL, and email address of the maintainer, see above.

Style guide


When spell-checking, use spelling-list.txt instead of your personal dictionary, so the results are less dependent on your setup. (The system dictionary can still of course vary from one setup to another.)

Words that are standard English or part of the Harry Potter universe, or are otherwise of “global” relevance should be added to spelling-list.txt. Exclamations (“Eeeehhhh”) and other one-offs should be added to the per-file word lists. (There’s obviously something of a grey area in the middle, e.g. one-off references to various real and fictional people.)

Emacs users benefit from a .dir-locals.el that automatically sets up spelling-list.txt as the personal dictionary for all HPMOR files.

Chapter headings

Chapters that aren’t part of a continuing series look like this:

\chapter{The Fundamental Attribution Error}

Chapters that are part of a continuing series look like one of these:

\partchapter{Working in Groups}{I}

\namedpartchapter{Self-Actualization}{SA}{VIII}{The Sacred and the Mundane}

The first is pretty simple; it’s just the title of the chapter followed by which part it is.

The second looks like the title of the chapter, then the abbreviation for the title of the chapter, then the part, then the title of the part.

First sentences

Normally, a chapter starts like this:

\lettrine{P}{adma} Patil had finished

That creates the large initial letter.

If the first paragraph of the chapter is all italics, though, it looks like this:

\begin{em}\lettrine{T}{he} red jet of fire took Hannah full in the
blazing green spirals brought down their foe’s Shield Charm.\par\end{em}


\section{Final Aftermath:}

Disclaimers and Epigraphs

These have been removed to an appendix, hp-epigraphs.tex.


There are some other things relating to newspaper headlines and such; check the chapters they appear in for the appropriate markup.


These are macros defined in hp-markup.tex. You should glance through that file to see what commands are available, and use them instead of direct markup; for example \shout rather than \textsc.


To translate the book, it is recommended to fork this repository, and check back from time to time for updates. Also, do open an issue or PR against this file to add the translation!

It is recommended to use polyglossia (not babel).

Known translations

Note: there are other translations of HPMOR; here are listed only translations of this edition.


Version LaTeX/PDF de « Harry Potter et les Méthodes de la Rationnalité » #HPMOR en français







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  • TeX 99.5%
  • HTML 0.2%
  • Shell 0.1%
  • Python 0.1%
  • CSS 0.1%
  • Perl 0.0%