Alternative implementation of Stream.fromQueueUnterminated
, replacing
private def fromQueueNoneTerminatedSingletons_[F[_], A](
take: F[Option[A]],
tryTake: F[Option[Option[A]]],
limit: Int
): Stream[F, A] = {
def await: Stream[F, A] =
Stream.eval(take).flatMap {
case None => Stream.empty
case Some(c) =>
val builder = collection.mutable.Buffer.newBuilder[A]
builder += c
pump(1, builder)
def pump(
currSize: Int,
acc: collection.mutable.Builder[A, collection.mutable.Buffer[A]]
): Stream[F, A] =
if (currSize == limit) Stream.emits(acc.result()) ++ await
Stream.eval(tryTake).flatMap {
case None => Stream.emits(acc.result()) ++ await
case Some(Some(c)) =>
acc += c
pump(currSize + 1, acc)
case Some(None) => Stream.emits(acc.result())
def fromUnterminatedQueue[A](q: QueueSource[IO, A]): Stream[IO, A] = {
/** First, try non-blocking batch dequeue.
* Only if the result is an empty list, semantically block and get exactly one element.
val asf = q.tryTakeN(None).flatMap {
case Nil => :: Nil)
case as => IO.pure(as)
Producer feeds cats.effect.std.Queue
with 100k timestamps, consumer ingests the queue as an fs2.Stream
and runs it for effects.
100 concurrent instances of (producer, consumer) pairs.
is almost 80% slower (4s vs 7s, and this only after a long warmup),
puts more pressure on ZGC (despite pre-allocating and pre-touching 32G of heap).
Flame graphs reside in results/