- adjust schema to add ability to manage multiple disc golf courses
- give players option to view rankingsby total throws or by net score (+/- over/under par)
- (far reaching) possible inclusion of geolocation data??
- any others? add suggestions to this todo...
You are a part of a large disc golf game. Players are participating on multiple courses, at various holes, quite possibly very spread out. But as you play, you want to be able to be able to update your scores, and see how you line up against the competition in real time.
That's what this app is for. Players with a smartphone can head over to http://discgolf.meteor.com and start entering their scores as they play. What's great about this app is that if you're playing with someone who doesn't own a smartphone, you can manage their scores as well as yours from your phone. Whoever you add to the game, you will have the ability to add scores for them. Time to get outdoors and start a disc golf game with this app today!
- Coffeescript
- CSS3 (with help from LESS)
- Meteor (Node.js, MongoDB, Sock.js, Backbone.js, and many more)