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Second Version

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@kamrul4188 kamrul4188 released this 19 Apr 07:34
· 9 commits to master since this release

Basic Functionality:

  1. Initially Amyca interfaces build in text-based than updated Graphical User Interface (GUI).
  2. Amyca and storing and retrieving various data type is required to project management. following are:
    eg: todo, deadline, timeline, resource, and cost
  3. Amyca does not understand the natural language but command format most likely as natural and user-friendly.
    but the user requires to follow that strict format. more information you can found on the help menu.
    Example: cost of DESCRIPTION is AMOUNT
  4. Amyca data stored into the hard disk.
    • Project and user data stored as .csv
    • Logging data stored as .log
    • Documentation data stored as .txt

Additional Functionality:

  1. Timeline as a graph: User can view all of there timeline task as a graph by just clicking the TimeLine menu

  2. View Calendar: User can view the calendar in monthly view. Pup up in current date by clicking can be view as needed.

  3. Multiple Users: Multiple users is supported by Amyca. Amyca has four user access levels.

    1. Team Member: Access Level = 1
    2. Team Leader: Access Level = 2
    3. Project Manager: Access Level = 3
    4. System Admin: Access Level = 4
  4. Password: Amyca has a posword policy to the stored password not understandable by users.

    1. Minimum length of the password is 6. Amyca does not add a user with below minimum length.
    2. Stored user particular into a hard disk with password as hash (encrypted)


Amyca can understand the following commands:

    Adds a todo task into the task list
    Example: todo read book

    Adds a deadline task into the task list
    Example: deadline read book by tomorrow

timeline DESCRIPTION from DATE to DATE
    Adds a timeline task into the task list
    Example: timeline borrow book from 30/04/2019 to 30/05/2019

    Adds resource into the resource list
    Example: resource manpower is 10 pack

    adds cost into cost list
    example: cost of manpower is 10000

done INDEX
    Marks the task at index as 'done'
    Example: done 1

pending INDEX
    Marks the task at index as 'pending'
    Example: pending 1

remove task INDEX
    Remove task as indexed from the task list
    Example: remove task 1

remove resource INDEX
    Remove resource as indexed from the resource list
    Example: remove resource 1

remove cost INDEX
    Remove cost as indexed from the cost list
    Example: remove cost 1

    Exits the application