The Lambda Notes web application was built out as part of my full stack web development application at Lambda School. We were given design files (seen here), and everything else was up to us. I relished the opportunity to get as close to pixel perfect as I could, and got pretty darn close if I say so myself.
The site is currently viewable here. You can log in as "user1" with password "1234" to try out a demo account, or create your own account!
We were instructed to create a web application with the ability to handle all CRUD features for notes, and match them up to a backend we also designed. As long as we achieved this, we were encouraged to implement more advanced features as we found fit. Features that I added were:
- A tagging interace for notes
- Searching by note text and tags
- Support for CSV export of notes
- Drag and drop for ordering and rearranging notes
- Drag and drop for deletion of tags
- Persistence of note ordering in normalized database using doubly linked list data model
- Authentication flow using Passportjs with both local and oauth strategies
The front end made use of:
- ReactJS
- Redux
- Styled Components
- React DnD Drag and Drop
The back end made use of:
- Node/Express
- Postgresql
- Knex
- PassportJS