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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


Use Case:

Load Log File content to Elastic-Search Engine


Full-Text query to be performed to analyse text Data and generate analytics based on text match and timestamps


  • JDK-8 for core programming

  • Spring-Boot for Service/Repository management and interaction with Elastic-Engine

  • Spring-elastic-data manages all dependencies with Elastic-Search Component

  • Mockito and Junit for Unit-Testing

  • Embedded-Elastic-Search for Integration Testing


  1. check JAVA_HOME, set it to JDK-8

  2. check MAVEN_HOME or M2_HOME , set it to maven-3

  3. check the file directory, please set up directory path for tests:

    ** assign write access for application (remove restrictions if any)
  4. application will lookup for files in pre-configured directory

    - configured under property in application.yaml (src/main/resources)
           directory: /Users/lakshmikanth/Desktop/pocket/logdata/
    - change this to the directory you would prefer
  5. Make sure that elastic-search instance is up & running on port 9300

    • For further details on how to install and run, refer the git project:
       Git Project page:
  6. navigate to the project directory (if you are running from command console)

  7. run command

     mvn clean install
  8. After successful build , start application :

    mvn spring-boot:run
  9. application will startup on random port, in case if you want to set to specific port:

    - open application.yaml file
    - update property:
      - server:
           port: 0

Functional Flow:

  • The log file for the ElasticDataLoader​​ is generated with each row of data in the following format:

    • {timestamp_in_epoch_millis}, {string}
  • Each row records the ​timestamp_in_epoch_millis​ whereby a particular ​string​ was generated in another system.

  • The ​same string could appeared more than 1 time​​ within the same log file and across the log files if it was being generated multiple times by the other system.

  • Upon the zero-th minute of every hour:

    • A new log file that contains the data i​n the last hour​​ will be generated and be placed into the same folder
    • The file name format is string-generation-{yyyymmddhh}.log​.
      • E.g. the file with name ​string-generation-2018093016.log is a file generated at 1600 hour on 30 Sep, 2018.

Technical Flow:

  1. Entry-Point for application:

  2. Directory watch/poll is managed by:

  3. FileWatcherService

    • Monitors file events in the pre-configured directory

    • Configuration is maintained under application.yaml (src/main/resources)

    • FileWatcherService methods:

      1. Initialisation: init() -> java's WatcherService initialized and configured , started
          public void init(){
              try {
                      = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService();
        "initialized FileWatcherService");
              } catch (IOException e) {
                  log.error("error while initializing FileWatchService",e);
                  throw new RuntimeException(e);
          public void afterPropertiesSet()  {
              fixedThreadPool.submit(new Runnable() {
                  public void run()  {
      1. Initial-Startup-Load data from log files recorded in 24 Hours duration: processAllFilesInDirectory
           * Process all files in a configured directory
           * This is a one-time activity which is triggered on startup
           * Step-1: Loop(Parallel) through all files In the directory (parallel Stream for faster processing)
           * Step-2: Initiate file Processing for each File
          public Boolean processAllFilesInDirectory() {
              Boolean response = Boolean.TRUE;
              try {
                  Path directoryPath = Paths.get(fileDataDirectory);
        "directoryPath for pre-processing: {}", directoryPath);
                  List<Path> files = Files.walk(directoryPath)
        "identified files: {}",files);
                  files.forEach(new Consumer<Path>() {
                      public void accept(Path path) {
                          fixedThreadPool.submit(new Callable<Boolean>() {
                              public Boolean call() throws Exception {
                        "about to process pending file: {}",path);
                                  return processFileData(path);
              }catch (Exception ex){
                  log.error("Exception caught while processing pending files in directory: {}",fileDataDirectory);
                  response = Boolean.FALSE;
              return  response;
      1. poll for new File events: watchForLogFiles
           * watch/poll for Log files in configured directory
           * on a NewFile event, verify and validate the fileName and timeStamp String in fileName
           * If file is valid and has arrived in 24-hours,
           * Initiate fileProcessing
          public void watchForLogFiles() {
              try {
                  WatchService watchService
                          = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService();
                  Path directoryPath = Paths.get(fileDataDirectory);
        "directoryPath: {}",directoryPath);
                  directoryPath.register(watchService, ENTRY_CREATE);
                  WatchKey key;
                  while (!POSION_PILL.get() && (key = watchService.take()) != null)  {
                      List<WatchEvent<?>> watchEvents = null;
                      if(!POSION_PILL.get()) {
                          watchEvents = key.pollEvents();
                      watchEvents.parallelStream().forEach(new Consumer<WatchEvent<?>>() {
                          public void accept(WatchEvent<?> watchEvent) {
                              fixedThreadPool.submit(new Callable<Boolean>() {
                                   * Computes a result, or throws an exception if unable to do so.
                                   * @return computed result
                                   * @throws Exception if unable to compute a result
                                  public Boolean call() throws Exception {
                                      return processWatchEvents(directoryPath,watchEvent);
              }catch (Exception ex){
                  log.error("Error while reading File Contents",ex);
      1. validate and extract data from watchEvents: processWatchEvents
           * process File-Watch-Event
           * @param directoryPath
           * @param event
           * @return result as Boolean
          public Boolean processWatchEvents(Path directoryPath,WatchEvent event){
              Boolean result = Boolean.TRUE;
              if(event.kind().equals(ENTRY_CREATE)) {
                  // The filename is the context of the event.
                  WatchEvent<Path> ev = (WatchEvent<Path>) event;
                  Path filename = ev.context();
                  Path child = null;
                  // Verify that the new file is a text file.
                  try {
                      child = directoryPath.resolve(filename);
                  } catch (Exception x) {
                      log.error("Error while reading File Contents: {}", filename, x);
                      result = Boolean.FALSE;
              return result;
      1. process parsed file Data: processFileData
           * Process FileData
           * @param child
           * @return Boolean
          public Boolean processFileData(Path child) {
              String fileName = child.toFile().getName();
              Boolean isSuccessful = Boolean.TRUE;
    "processing FileData : {}",fileName);
              try {
                  if (isAValidFileFormat(fileName)) {
            "fileName picked (for processing check) : {}", fileName);
                      //get timeStampEpoch for Pasttime 24 hours
                      Long pastTimeInEpochMillis = getPastTimeInEpochMillis(24);
                      //get timeStampEpoch for fileString
                      Long timeStampEpochMillisFromFileString = getTimeStampInEpochMillis(fileName);
            "pastTimeInEpochMillis: {} , timeStampEpochMillisFromFileString: {}",pastTimeInEpochMillis,timeStampEpochMillisFromFileString);
                      if (timeStampEpochMillisFromFileString>=pastTimeInEpochMillis) {
                "fileName picked for processing: {}", fileName);
                          List<String> lines = null;
                          lines = FileReaderUtil.readFileTextToLines(child);
                "lines read are: {} ", lines);
                "file content as lines: {}", lines);
                      } else {
                "Ignored processing for file: {} - as file is older than 24 hours", fileName);
                      log.warn("intercepted file with non-compliant fileName - ignoring fileProcessing for:{}",fileName);
              } catch(IOException ioExceptionObject){
                  log.error("Error while reading File Contents: {}", fileName, ioExceptionObject);
              }catch(Exception exceptionObject){
                  log.error("Exception caught while processing file: {} in directory: {}", fileName, fileDataDirectory,exceptionObject);
                  isSuccessful = Boolean.FALSE;
              return isSuccessful;
  4. FileDataProcessingService

    • extracts String-Content and timeStamp data from file content
    • generated FileData entity with the data extract
    • persists FileData in Elastic-Search-engine via Spring-Data library


     1. processFileData -> bulk persistence of FileData entities
     2. getFileDataFromLine -> parse file line content FileData entity


Test Details:

Unit Testing:

  1. Repository Tests: src/test/java/com/elasticDataLoader/repository/
  2. Utility Tests: src/test/java/com/elasticDataLoader/common/
  3. Data Processing Tests: src/test/java/com/elasticDataLoader/service/
  4. File Watcher tests: src/test/java/com/elasticDataLoader/service/

Integration Testing:

** Pending

Improvements Required:

  1. Cucumber Tests for Scenarios identified in Usecases (Blocked by Embedded Elastic Engine in-compatibility with Spring)

  2. Support for Elastic-Cluster (Multiple elastic nodes across Data-Centers)

  3. Current system is limited by single node processing Current Systems does parallel processing but it is limited to number of cores/processors in the Machine

  4. Distributed processing using AKKA - Actor based Programming: =======

  5. Current system is limited by single node processing Current Systems does parallel processing but it is limited to number of cores/processors in the Machine

  6. Distributed processing using AKKA - Actor based Programming:

    • Build Actor-System where Supervisor / Root Guardian to spawn Child-Actors to process files in directory
    • Sub-ordinate Actors Parse Lines and Create a sub-ordinate/Child Actor to process and load data to Elastic-Search-Engine
    • By Shifting to Actor based approach, it will become a distributed System and Horizontally Scalable

Alternative Approaches:


  1. Build Actor-System where Supervisor / Root Guardian to spawn Child-Actors to process files in directory
  2. Sub-ordinate Actors Parse Lines and Create a sub-ordinate/Child Actor to process and load data to Elastic-Search-Engine
  3. By Shifting to Actor based approach, it will become a distributed System and Horizontally Scalable


  1. Redis Database is a key-Value based Storage
  2. Redisson is a library/framework to achieve storage and processing in Redis in Distributed way
  3. Redisson Library is built on JDK Concurrent utilities (java.util.concurrent)
  4. Distributed Locks, Distributed


  1. Off-Heap Storage mechanism
  2. Offers Mechanical Sympathy where process can be pinned to specific core of machine
  3. Distributed Heap Offers faster read/write mechanisms

DevOps Improvements:

  • Add Docker configuration
  • enable/configure Piplelines for Continuous Build, Delivery & Deployment
  • Use AWS - RDS (Relational Database As a Service) for scalable feature
  • Push Docker image to AWS and run from AWS