- in /var/www/boricide/, execute 'virtualenv .'
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- a2enmod wsgi headers
WSGIPythonHome /home/javad/boricide/
NameVirtualHost showshows.net ServerName showshows.net ServerAlias www.showshows.net
Alias /static/ /home/javad/boricide/static/
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "accept, authorization, origin, Content-Type"
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, GET"
WSGIPassAuthorization On
WSGIScriptAlias / /home/javad/boricide/boricide/wsgi.py
- set above vhost in apache configuration (replacing '/home/javad/boricide/' with project directory, and 'boricide' virtual host name as necessary)
- set boricide/local_settings.py accordingly
- ./manage.py syncdb
- ./manage.py collectstatic