This project contains some fragments of code which I don't know where to put but I want to keep and share whith whoever can find them useful. It is like a project for codes without a project.
This folder contains codes with to handle some little issues with Japanese language:
- Filter Japanese characters and Arabic ones
- Conjugation of Japanese verbs (rule-based)
- Conversion between Hiragana and Katakana The test of these modules is written using
This folder contains some of my Practical works (Homeworks) back when I was a student.
INF2: Contains my 2nd grade homeworks including:
- SI (information system) homeworks which includes TP1 a program to manage a library using DBase, TP2 a program to manage a zoo using Clipper
- TAD (Algorithmic data processing) homework which is a postfix method to resolve arithmetic expressions using Pascal
INF3: Contains my 3rd grade homeworks including:
- ARCHI2 (Computer architecture 2) homeworks which includes TP1 a simulator of microcode architecture of MIC1 using C programming language, TP2 a simulator of interreption levels using C programming languages.
- BD (Databases) homework which is managing a class 3rd years; The code is based on Visual basic 6 and SQL.
- RO (operational research; operational analysis) homework which is a program using simplex method using VB6.
INF4: Contains my 4th grade homeworks including:
- COMP (compilation) homework which contains two parts: part1 a program with Pascal to edit production rules of a grammar, verify if it is type 2, give an equivalent grammar proper without left recursion, give the Chomsky NF and Greibach NF; The program is using Pascal. part2 propose a proggramming language of your own, write a compiler to it (syntactic and semantic verification, then generation), The program is uncomplete (no generation phase), but can do the syntactic and semantic verification; It is written using Pascal.
- IHM (Human machine interface) homework which is a website to manage a hotel using PHP and MySQL.
- MOD-SIM (modulation, simulation) homework which is the programming of some simulations: simulation of arrivals to cash registers, etc. Programed using Pascal : and they don't work (I got 0 on them :( as I remember ).
Draw shapes using mathematical functions to several languages. I translated these functions from codes of Apple Basic found in an old mathematic book