Latest Realease :
Manual :
- MainMenu : used to change and store datas, and to Start, exit or consult Help Menu
- Help : used to show DCLeap's commands
- DCLeap : used to run the core application
- SavedDatas.cs is used to set and save users settings. These settings are needed by DCLeap scene
- Unity_SteamVR_Handler
- SceneManaging.cs : to manage scenes switches
- FeaturesDisabler.cs : disable features in the DCLeap scene if toggle box are not ticked in the main menu
- InputsScript.cs : listen input keys combination to quit DCLeap scene and revert to main menu
- LoPoly Rigged Hand ***
- RightClickVizualizor.cs : show user that right click is available by showing a blue cube, this script is called by PalmDirectionDetector.cs
- PalmDirectionDetector.cs : core LeapMotion script, detect if palm is facing or not, call RightClickVizualizor.cs
- activator.cs : uses PalmDirectionDetector to perform Right or Left clic
- KnobScript.cs : used to calculate knob rotation
- PinchKnobEnabler.cs : call KnobScript.cs when pinch is detected
- PinchDetector.cs : core LeapMotion script detecting pinch gesture modified (line 134-135) to adjust pinch sensitivity set by user in main menu. Call activator and knob
- ExtendedFingerDetector.cs : core LeapMotion script detecting trigger gesture. Call activator to perform index clic
- FeaturesDisabler.cs : disable features in the DCLeap scene if toggle box are not ticked in the main menu
- InputsScript.cs : listen input keys combination to quit DCLeap scene and revert to main menu
- ClickManager.cs : allow clics methods regarding Playerprefs set in the main menu
- mouseDebug.cs : allow debug mouse screen coordinates in the HMD, if allog debug mouse is ticked in the main menu
- Keystroke.cs : create Key stroke functions used to perform Catapult alignment, ejection, etc...
- VirtualMouse.cs : calculate mouse coordinates regarding palm localposition. Get informations from environmentSet.cs (User32.dll to control mouse, user desktop screen resolution to avoid mouse going out of DCS VR window