Based on Radar System Requirements, a radar target generation and detection system is developed using FMCW waveform configuration, signal propagation technique, Range/Doppler FFT method and finally 2D CFAR implementation.
%% Radar Specifications
% Frequency of operation = 77GHz
% Max Range = 200m
% Range Resolution = 1 m
% Max Velocity = 100 m/s
% Radar Specifications
d_res = 1; % Range Resolution
c = 3e8; % Speed of light
Max_range = 200; % Maximum Range of Radar
Max_velocity = 100; % Maximum Velocity of target vehicle
R = 140; % target's initial position
v = 40; % target's velocity
% Calculate the Bandwidth (B), Chirp Time (Tchirp) and Slope (slope) of the FMCW chirp using the requirements above
B_sweep = c/2*d_res; % Sweep Bandwidth
T_chirp = 5.5*2*R/c; % Chirp Time
slope = B_sweep/T_chirp; % Slope of FMCW
Simulate the target movement and calculate the beat or mixed signal for every instance
% Operating carrier frequency of Radar
fc = 77e9; %carrier freq
Nd = 128; % No of doppler cells OR No of sent periods number of chirps
Nr = 1024; %The number of samples on each chirp for length of time OR no of range cells
t = linspace(0,Nd*T_chirp,Nr*Nd); % total time for samples
% Creating the vectors for Tx, Rx and Mix based on the total samples input.
Tx = zeros(1,length(t)); % transmitted signal
Rx = zeros(1,length(t)); % received signal
Mix = zeros(1,length(t)); % beat signal
% Similar vectors for range_covered and time delay.
r_t = zeros(1,length(t));
td = zeros(1,length(t));
% Signal generation and Moving Target simulation
% Running the radar scenario over the time.
for i=1:length(t)
r_t(i) = R + t(i)*v;
td(i) = r_t(i)*2/c;
Tx(i) = cos(2*pi*(fc*t(i)+slope*t(i)^2*0.5));
Rx(i) = cos(2*pi*(fc*(t(i)-td(i))+slope*(t(i)-td(i))^2*0.5));
Mix(i) = Tx(i).*Rx(i);
- Implement the 1D FFT on the Mixed Signal
- Reshape the vector into Nr*Nd array
- Run the FFT on the beat signal along the range bins dimension (Nr)
- Normalize the FFT output
- Take the absolute value of that output
- Keep one half of the signal
- Plot the output
- There should be a peak at the initial position of the target
Mix = reshape(Mix,[Nr,Nd]);
fft_1D = fft(Mix,Nr);
fft_1D = abs(fft_1D);
fft_1D = fft_1D/max(fft_1D);
final_fft_1D = fft_1D(1:Nr/2+1);
% plotting the range
figure ('Name','Range from First FFT')
axis ([0 200 0 1]);
xlabel('Range in meters')
ylabel('Normalized Amplitude')
From above figure, we see the target range is 140 meters; which is same as we set it in the target specifications (R = 140)
% Range Doppler Map Generation.
Mix = reshape(Mix,[Nr,Nd]);
% 2D FFT using the FFT size for both dimensions.
sig_fft2 = fft2(Mix,Nr,Nd);
% Taking just one side of signal from Range dimension.
sig_fft2 = sig_fft2(1:Nr/2,1:Nd);
sig_fft2 = fftshift(sig_fft2);
RDM = abs(sig_fft2);
RDM = 10*log10(RDM);
doppler_axis = linspace(-100,100,Nd);
range_axis = linspace(-200,200,Nr/2)*((Nr/2)/400);
figure ('Name','surface plot of FFT2')
title('FFT2 surface plot')
xlabel('Speed in m/s')
ylabel('Range in meters')
- Determine the number of Training cells for each dimension Tr and Td. Similarly, pick the number of guard cells Gr and Gd.
- Slide the Cell Under Test (CUT) across the complete cell matrix
- Select the grid that includes the training, guard and test cells; Grid Size = (2Tr+2Gr+1) * (2Td+2Gd+1)
- The total number of cells in the guard region and cell under test. (2Gr+1) * (2Gd+1)
- This gives the Training Cells: (2Tr+2Gr+1) * (2Td+2Gd+1) - (2Gr+1) * (2Gd+1)
- Measure and average the noise across all the training cells. This gives the threshold
- Add the offset (if in signal strength in dB) to the threshold to keep the false alarm to the minimum
- Determine the signal level at the Cell Under Test
- If the CUT signal level is greater than the Threshold, assign a value of 1, else equate it to zero
- Since the cell under test are not located at the edges, due to the training cells occupying the edges, we suppress the edges to zero
- Any cell value that is neither 1 nor a 0, assign it a zero
The CFAR process includes the sliding of a window across the cells in FFT blocks. Each window consists of the following cells:
- Cell Under Test (CUT): The cell that is tested to detect the presence of the target by comparing the signal level against the noise estimate (threshold).
- Training Cells: The level of noise is measured over the Training Cells. The Training Cells can be divided into two regions, the cells lagging the CUT, called lagging Training Cells and the cells leading the CUT, called Leading Training Cells. The number of training cells is decided based on the environment. If a dense traffic scenario then the fewer training cells should be used, as closely spaced targets can impact the noise estimate. Considering this, I selected the following values for training cells.
- Guard Cells: The cells just next to CUT are assigned as Guard Cells. The purpose of the Guard Cells is to avoid the target signal from leaking into the training cells that could adversely affect the noise estimate. The number of guard cells should be decided based on the leakage of the target signal out of the cell under test. If target reflections are strong, they often get into surrounding bins.
- Threshold Factor (Offset): Use an offset value to scale the noise threshold. If the signal strength is defined in logarithmic form then add this offset value to the average noise estimate, else multiply it.
% Number of Training Cells in both the dimensions.
Tr = 20;
Tc = 8;
% Number of Guard Cells in both dimensions around the Cell under test (CUT) for accurate estimation
Gc = 6;
Gr = 12;
% offset the threshold by SNR value in dB
offset = 3;
% vector to store noise_level for each iteration on training cells
noise_level = zeros(1,1);
% loop that slides the CUT across range doppler map by giving margins at the edges for Training and Guard Cells.
% Use of RDM[x,y] as the matrix from the output of 2D FFT for implementing CFAR
RDM = RDM/max(max(RDM));
[row,col] = size(RDM);
CUT = zeros(row,col);
for i = Tr+Gr+1:(Nr/2-Tr-Gr)
for j = Tc+Gc+1:(Nd-Tc-Gc)
noise_level = zeros(1,1);
for k = (i-Tr-Gr):(i+Tr+Gr)
for h = (j-Tc-Gc):(j+Gc+Tc)
noise_level = noise_level + db2pow(RDM(k,h));
length = 2*(Tr+Gr)+1;
width = 2*(Tc+Gc)+1;
threshold = pow2db(noise_level/(length*width-(2*Gr+1)*(2*Gc+1)))*1.4;
CUT(i,j) = 1;
CUT(i,j) = 0;
% display the CFAR output using the Surf function like we did for Range Doppler Response output.
figure('Name', 'CA-CFAR Filtered RDM')
title('CA-CFAR Filtered RDM surface plot');
xlabel('Speed in m/s');
ylabel('Range in meters');
zlabel('Normalized Amplitude');
figure('Name', 'CA-CFAR Filtered Range')
title('CA-CFAR Filtered RDM surface plot');
xlabel('Speed in m/s');
ylabel('Range in meters');
zlabel('Normalized Amplitude');
figure('Name', 'CA-CFAR Filtered Speed')
title( 'CA-CFAR Filtered RDM surface plot');
xlabel('Speed in m/s');
ylabel('Range in meters');
zlabel('Normalized Amplitude');