Cloud Technical Resident at Google
Master's of Computer Science at the University of Iowa
B.A. in Computer Science at Grinnell College
const pratik = {
pronouns: "he" | "him" | "his",
code: [Java, Python, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Ruby, C, MySQL, Go],
tools: [React, Redux, Node, JQuery, Docker, Tensorflow, Rails],
architecture: ["microservices", "model-view-controller", "design system pattern"],
techCommunities: {
hacker: "MLH",
mentor: "Grinnell College CS Department",
teaching_assistant: "University of Iowa",
contributor: "Summer of Shipping"
challenge: "Writing code, playing guitar, y ¡mejorando mi español durante la cuarentena!"
Always happy to meet new people! Please feel free to connect with me.