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Karl Bartel edited this page Jan 5, 2020 · 1 revision


Litespread is viewer and editor for SQLite and CSV files with basic spreadsheet functionality. Saved files can be used with other SQLite compatible software without losing formatting, formulas, aggregate rows and views.

Running Litespread

Litespread runs in your browser without the need for any server-side code or internet connectivity. Go to to launch Litespread now.


  • Work with CSVs and sqlite3 databases

    • Load from disk or URL
    • Automatic import
    • Export CSV or SQLite3
  • Runs in the browser

    • No installation necessary
    • Works both online and offline
    • Sync data via Remote Storage
  • Basic spreadsheet functionality

    • Apply formatting to columns
    • Add new formula columns
    • Use aggregates to build a footer
  • Built on SQL

    • Build custom views using SQL
    • Use SQL syntax in formulas
    • Other applications can do INSERTs, UPDATEs and DELETEs and SELECT on all Litespread data


Litespread is currently in a proof-of-concept phase. It is rather easy to cause errors with bad inputs. Fortunately, a reload usually reverts the problem and allows you to continue using Litespread without data loss. Please report bugs and feature requests! General feedback is also very welcome!

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