Idiomatic(?) ClojureScript wrapper for cljsjs/pubnub
using core.async
I just needed a clojurescript library for pubnub, and that's the proof of
concept. Current clients are either strictly clojure or just a simple wrapper
for pubnub.js. This is a wrapper for cljsjs/pubnub
that uses channels.
- Connecting to pubnub (wrapper around
) - Joining pubnub channels (only single channels for now, channel groups are
not supported). You still can join multiple channels, but separately, not
as group. (wrapper around
) - Leaving channels (wrapper around
) - Presence API
- History API (currently only supports LIFO-order), because that's what I need.
- All other pubnub APIs (state, auth, etc.)
- Currently only "happy path" is handled. While the library is not likely to crash on message delivery errors etc. it may remain painfuly silent about them.
In your project.clj
add to dependencies:
[pubnub-cljs "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]
Whole public api is in pubnub-cljs.core
(:require [cljs.core.async :refer [chan <! >!]]
[pubnub-cljs.core :as pubnub]
[promesa.core :as p])
Obtaining a configured pubnub instance is simple:
(def pubnub-client
(pubnub/pubnub :publish-key "<your pubnub publish key>"
:subscribe-key "<your pubnub subscribe key")
You can also pass any keyword argument as described in the docs: Just remember to use hyphens instead of underscores.
To subscribe to a pubnub channel you need ot call pubnub/channel
(def messages-tx (chan))
(def messages-rx (chan))
(def presence-rx (chan))
(def pn (pubnub/channel pubnub-client "demoroom"
:messages-rx messages-rx
:messages-tx messages-tx
:presence-rx presence-rx))
Once the room is joined you will be able to take messages from messages-rx
chan and put them into messages-tx
chan. You can take presence events from
returns a promise (as in promesa.core
) of a pubnub channel
(please do not confuse it with clojure's chans, it's just a protocol). Once
connected, the promise will resolve with an instance of IPubNubChannel
You can check it's history:
(p/then pn (fn [pubnub-channel]
(let [history-channel (pubnub/history pubnub-channel)]
(go-loop []
(if-let [message (<! history-channel)]
(println message)
(pubnub/disconnect pubnub-channel)))))
returns a channel that historical messages can be taken from.
It will close, once all messages are taken.
You can also close the channel:
(p/then pn (fn [pubnub-channel] (pubnub/close pubnub-channel))
will close all chan's you have passed to pubnub/channel
I don't know if it's a good thing, maybe not (as they are created externaly),
maybe it should be callers responsibility to close them?
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lein clean
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lein with-profile -dev jar
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