I'm a Full stack developer (Web, Mobile), Java / JEE / PHP.
- JEE architecture and design patterns: servlet, JSP, MVC2 model, EJBs, JDBC, CAD Pattern, ORM.
- Frameworks and JEE APIs: struts2, JSF2, Spring (boot, ioc, mvc , security, mobile), Hibernate, JPA, JBoss Netty,
- JEE servers: Apache tomcat, JBoss, Wildfly.
- JAVA / JEE industrialization tools: ANT, MAVEN, SVN, GIT, Gradlle.
- Mobile Development: Android, Hybrid (Ionic 2/3/5), Cordova, Jquery Mobile.
- GOF Technology and Pattern Design
- Embedded system: Arduino, Raspberry Pi
- Web Engineering: HTML5 / xHTML, JavaScript (JQuery, AJAX), CSS3, Web Services and Rich Clients based on AJAX with GWT and GXT.
- Web Service: SOAP & REST
- XML technology: XML, DTD, XSD, XSLT, XPath.
- JS Technologies (Framework, Api): Angular 2-8, ReactJs, FabricJs, Node Js, Express, ES6, TypeScript
- Big Data: Apache Spark, MongoDB, Google Map Reduce
- Development languages: C / C ++, VB6, PHP5 / 7, Java
- PHP framework: cakePHP, Zend, Laravel
- PHP CMS: Joomla, WordPress, Prestashop, TomaTocart.
- ERP / CRM: Dolibarr, programming Modules and plugins and security
- DBMS: Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, Postgres, SQL-TSQL-PLSQL
- Containerization technology: Docker
- Design and modeling: Merise, UML2, Designes Patterns.
- Operating systems: UNIX, Linux (Centos, Debian), Windows, Mac os x.
- Information system: project management, production management.
- Methods of analysis and development: Agil methods (Scrum, ITIL), Audit, Quality .. Various: numerical analysis, RO, data analysis, data-mining, image processing.