MÜHTAS-1 is an IoT (Internet of Things) device designed to collect and analyze color and distance data. This device utilizes an STM32F103T8C6 MCU, a TCS3200 color sensor, an HC-SR04 distance sensor, and a WIZnet 5500 Ethernet module.
The two images above do not feature the distance sensor. This is because the sensor was not included in the project for the fall semester of 2023.
- STM32F103T8C6 MCU: Microcontroller manages communication between all sensors and handles data collection processes.
- TCS3200 Renk Sensörü: Sensor collects color information from packages.
- HC-SR04 Uzaklık Sensörü: Sensor determines the position of packages on the conveyor belt.
- WIZnet 5500 Ethernet Modülü: Module sends collected data to a web interface via UDP.
- SPI1: Used for SPI communication with the WIZnet 5500 Ethernet Module. It operates at a speed of 72MHz, connected to APB2.
- TIM1: Used to read data from the HC-SR04 Distance Sensor. It operates with a prescaler of 72-1 and a counter period of 65535-1.
- TIM3 CHA1: Used to read data from the TCS3200 Color Sensor. It operates with a prescaler of 0 and a counter period of 65535.
The basic operational cycle of MÜHTAS-1 is outlined below:
- Set the color sensor to red, blue, and green colors in sequence, and read the frequency value for each color.
- Perform a reading from the distance sensor.
- Convert the read color and distance data into a JSON string and send it to the WIZnet module.
- The WIZnet module sends this data to the network using the UDP protocol.
- The cycle restarts with a specific delay.