Hi, I am @Kashif Ahmad. 👋 I am a Full Stack Developer with more than 3 years of experience, I bring a unique combination of technical expertise and industry knowledge to the table. With a strong tech stack that includes React.js, Node.js, Nest.js, gRPC, MicroServices, Spring Boot, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and Java, I am passionate about problem-solving and have built several cool projects to solve real-world issues.
Analyst [October 2023 - Present]
- Developing Backend Microservices for India's largest bank's banking portal.
- Tech stack used:Node.js, Nest.js, gRPC, Postgres.
Software Developer [August 2021 - Ocotober 2023]
- Led Operations360 LED module development, replaced paper logs with a security feature. Transformed JSF monolith to React/Spring Boot microservices, cutting page load times 50%-90%. Orchestrated internal employee portal for leave, claims, and salary. Engineered Spring Boot and Node.js APIs for seamless data transfer and client interaction.
- Tech stack used: React.js, Node.js, Nest.js, Sring Boot, JavaScript, Java, JSF, MsSQL, PostgreSQL , MongoDB, MySQL Socket.IO, Chart.js, Express.js, HTML, CSS, Mui.
Software Intern [April 2021 - July 2021]
- Worked as an SQL developer.
- Improved reporting rates by developing realtime dashboard using socket.io. Used SQL and Vanilla Js for backend.
- Tech stack used: JavaScript, SQL, React.js, Node.js, Socket.io.
- Languages: JavaScript, Java, HTML, CSS.
- Runtime & frameworks: Node.js, Nest.js, Microservices, Spring Boot, Express.js, React.js, Vue.js, Mui, JSF-Primefaces.
- Databases: SQL, MS SQL, PostgreSQL, PL/PGSQL, MongoDB.
- Cloud services: AWS.
- Other tools: Git, Jira, GitHub, VS Code, Socket.IO, Docker.