β I am a self-motivated Full-Stack Software Engineer with good communication skills having a total of 4+ years of experience in the software industry. I have experience of 4+ years in Web Applications using .Net Technologies, Elixir & Javascript, 1+ years in Mobile Applications using Native/Hybrid, and 6+ months in Desktop Applications using .Net Technologies. My Computer Science journey started in October 2016. Nowadays, I'm working on Elixir/Phoenix.
β I have strong knowledge of Object-Oriented Programming, Software Development Life Cycles, Operating Systems, Compilers, Databases, Data Structures, Algorithms, Design Patterns, Software Architectures, Software Testing, Logic Building, Problem Solving, Web/Mobile Technologies & Agile Methodologies.
β My top skills includes C# Programming, JavaScript Programming, ASP.Net Core/MVC, Entity Framework, ADO.Net, LINQ, SignalR, SAP Crystal Report, WPF, SQL/NoSQL, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Firebase, Redis, Sequelize, TypeORM, TypeScript, NodeJS, ExpressJS/NestJS, ReactJS/Redux, AngularJS, VueJS/VueX, ES6+, HTML, CSS, SASS, Bootstrap, Material UI, JQuery, AJAX, JSON/XML, Web API/Rest APIs, Web Services, Git/Bitbucket/Gitlab, nuget/npm/yarn, Jira/Slack. |||||||||| Other skills includes Python, Java, Ruby, Elixir, PHP, C++. |||||||||| Currently working for the development of different scalable, concurrent, fault tolerant products using Elixir, Phoenix, Ecto, PostgreSQL, AWS, Oban.
β Also, I have skills in Cloud Platforms including Azure, AWS & GCP. I have some knowledge of AI/ML, Blockchain & Cyber Security. Currently, my interest is in Microservices, Serverless, Docker, Kubernetes, CI/CD & DevOps.
β I have successfully completed many Courses, Certifications & Projects. Self-Learning, exploring the latest technologies, and doing research is my passion. I am a self-reliant problem solver who is not afraid to ask for help when needed. I can always develop effective & secure Applications with a beautiful User Interface. I can always do satisfactory work.