This is my first short game using JavaScript and HTML with CSS stylesheet. Enjoy!!
Made using HTML canvas is a two slider game One is Human (Us) and another is our Web Browser. Max Score: 100 (Mouse Control Only) You can view/play the game by following this link You can view Who wins how many times in the Console.
This is the Canvas Code for the Game!
function drawCanvas(){ //Drawing The Canvas canvascontext.fillStyle = '#ba6d10'; canvascontext.fillRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); //Drawing the Ball //I put a great deal finding the erroe here :P! ctx.fillStyle = '#17d88e'; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(ballx, bally, 10, 0,Math.PI*2,true); canvascontext.fill(); //Drawing the Slider left Player-1 canvascontext.fillStyle = '#6e7270'; canvascontext.fillRect(5,slider1Y, sliderWidth,paddleHeight); //Drawing the Slider Right Player-2 canvascontext.fillStyle = '#0eb7ac'; canvascontext.fillRect(canvas.width-sliderWidth-5,slider2Y, sliderWidth,paddleHeight);
canvascontext.fillText("Your Score:", 80, 85);
canvascontext.fillText(player2Score, 100,100);
canvascontext.fillText("Computer Score:", canvas.width-80, 85);
canvascontext.fillText(player1Score, canvas.width-100,100);
//Drawing the Divider Line
canvascontext.fillStyle = 'white';
canvascontext.fillRect(canvas.width/2, 3, 1, 30);
canvascontext.fillRect(canvas.width/2, 40, 1, 30);
canvascontext.fillRect(canvas.width/2, 77, 1, 30);
canvascontext.fillRect(canvas.width/2, 114, 1, 30);
canvascontext.fillRect(canvas.width/2, 151, 1, 30);
canvascontext.fillRect(canvas.width/2, 188, 1, 30);
canvascontext.fillRect(canvas.width/2, 225, 1, 30);
canvascontext.fillRect(canvas.width/2, 262, 1, 30);
canvascontext.fillRect(canvas.width/2, 299, 1, 30);
canvascontext.fillRect(canvas.width/2, 336, 1, 30);
canvascontext.fillRect(canvas.width/2, 373, 1, 30);
canvascontext.fillRect(canvas.width/2, 409, 1, 30);
canvascontext.fillRect(canvas.width/2, 446, 1, 30);
canvascontext.fillRect(canvas.width/2, 483, 1, 14);