Team Members: Sanjive Agarwal, Kasia Kalemba, Akshita Parasrampuria, Mitesh Parekh
Scope: Extract, Transform, and Load data from various sources to help facilitate analysis related to domestic flight cancellations in the US.
Motivation: Based on the recent heavy flight cancellations and airport shutdowns, our group was interested into looking what cancellation patterns look like during a non-pandemic world state. We were curious to look at the airports and the airlines that had the most cancellations. We came across a data set which included airports, airlines, locations and cancellation reasons for 322 major US airports and major airline carriers.
Data Sources:
- U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Bureau of Transportation Statistics
- Kaggle (site for downloading .csv datafiles)
Data Files Extracted:
- Airlines (CSV file)
- US Airports (CSV file)
- Cancellation Codes Table (CSV File)
- 2015 Flight Schedule (CSV File)
Data Transformation via Python/Jupyter Notebook:
- Data Selection: The Flight Schedule contains 5,819,079 observations and 45 variables along with 3 reference data files.
- Data Summarization:
- Extracted data records for Flight Cancellations only.
- joined the transaction data with the reference data to translate IATA Airlines, Airport and Cancellation codes to desciptive values.
- Create a DateTime field out of the Yeaer, month and Day columns
- Dropped transaction records with no valid Airport codes in the reference data
- Data Joining:
- Used IATA Airlines and Airport codes to join with the Airliena dn Airport Information.Airports
- Used the DOT's Cancellation Code table to join with the transaction table to get the descriptive Cancellation code information.
- Data Cleaning:
- Filtered out the transactions that had no Airport code mappings
- Filtered for NaN/Null data in the the key columns like Airport Code and Airlines codes.
Data Modeling
Data was modeled using QuickDatabaseDiagrams
A Database Schema SQL was generated for creation of the tables and Views in the Postgres database
Relevant PK and FK were defined
A view was also created to make data querying easier
- Flight Cancellations ER Diagram
- Flight Cancellations Schema SQL (Link to schema SQL --> Schema SQL)
Database, Tables and Views Creation
- Postgres PGAdmin tool was used to create
Database - flight_db
- aiports
- airlines
- cancellation_code
- cancelled_flights
Primary Key (PK) and Foreign Key (FK) defined for each table (Refer to the ER diagram for PK and FK details)
View - cancelled_flights_vw
Data Loading via Pandas:
- Data loading to the postgres tables was performed via Pandas in Jupyter Notebook once the tables were created in Postgres DB.
Steps to Load the Data
- Get the raw data .csv files (downloaded from Kaggle and stored in Github project)
- Load the .csv files into Pandas dataframe via Jupyter notebook
- Perform data cleansing
- filter out the flight cancellation related data
- drop the records that do not have valid Airport or Airlines IATA code.
- Invoke PostgreSQL server
- Create database "flight_db"
- Execute the script Schema SQL to create tables and views
- Load the data into the tables using Pandas via running jupyter notebook
- Validate the data loaded into the tables by running Pandas SQL queries in jupyter notebook
Possible Data Analysis:
- Flight Cancellation Reasons
- Percentage breakdown of cancellation reasons
- Cancellations due to weather by month of the year
- Weather Cancellations vs. Latitude
- Trending of cancellation reasons by day of week
- Trending of cancellation reasons by month
- Airline Cancellations
- Number of cancellations per airline
- Cancellation reasons broken down by airline
- Airport Cancellations
- Number of cancellations by origin airport
- Number of cancellations by destination airport
Sample Data Analysis
Heatmap of the major Airports in the United States: