The similarity of the content of documents can be expressed as graphs/networks. This enables us to study, for instance, how homogenous communication is within certain communities, how similar different categories of documents are (e.g., different authors, news media) and how this changes over time.
In this howto we show several functions that can be used to create such similarity networks. The input consists of two objects:
- A matrix in which rows are documents, and columns are content characteristics (e.g., words, issues, topics). This can for instance be a DocumentTermMatrix (from the tm package), codings based on content-analysis, or the output of a topic model. Since this type of matrix is often very sparse, the functions in the package were specifically designed to handle sparse matrices efficiently.
- A data.frame (or vector) with document meta, such as document-id, author, source and date
The content.similarity.graph
function can be used to create the graph. First, load the package and prepare the data.
As demo data we use speech acts in Dutch parliamentary proceedings by two parties (VVD and CDA) from 2003 till 2005 (samples of 100 proceedings per year)
dim(document.topic.matrix) # A sparse matrix of documents X topics (in this case the results from a topic model (LDA). Sample from a set 73300 speech acts, with 200 topics)
## [1] 3295 200
dim(meta) # meta data for the documents in document.topic.matrix.
## [1] 3295 7
## id date speech_act meeting
## 33003 33907051 2003-01-29 48 h-tk-20022003-2793-2802
## 32995 33907175 2003-01-30 22 h-tk-20022003-2821-2849
## 81497 33909339 2003-02-18 248 h-tk-20022003-3055-3080
## 81480 33909445 2003-02-20 37 h-tk-20022003-3153-3161
## 81478 33909462 2003-02-20 54 h-tk-20022003-3153-3161
## 32630 33910920 2003-03-18 8 h-tk-20022003-3316-3327
## name party year
## 33003 De heer Blaauw VVD 2003
## 32995 De heer Van Aartsen VVD 2003
## 81497 Mevrouw Vroonhoven-Kok CDA 2003
## 81480 De heer Atsma CDA 2003
## 81478 De heer Atsma CDA 2003
## 32630 De heer Zalm VVD 2003
The content.similarity.graph
function has 2 required arguments. m
is the matrix giving the content characteristics per document. vertex.grouping.vars
is a named list containing the meta veriables that are used to group the documents. The function returns a graph in the igraph
Notable optional arguments are similarity.measure
and min.similarity
. With similarity.measure
alternative methods to calculate the similarity between documents can be chosen. With min.similarity
a threshold can be given for the edges/ties in the graph.
g = similarity.graph(m = document.topic.matrix, vertex.grouping.vars = list(party = meta$party,
year = format(meta$date, "%Y")), similarity.measure = "correlation", min.similarity = 0)
We now have a graph object where nodes/vertices represent political parties per year, and ties represent the correlations in topics. Negative correlations are ignored, because the min.similarity
is zero.
Graph objects in the igraph format can directly be visualized as networks using the plot() function. Arguments for plotting can be given in the plot() function, but also assigned as graph.attributes, vertex.attributes and edge.attributes. For instance, to set the size of vertices, the vertex.size
argument can be used as plot(g, vertex.size=10)
. Similarly, the vertex size can be given as a vertex attribute with the same name: V(g)$size = 10
. If the vertex.size argument is then ignored in plot, the value of this attribute is used. For an overview of plotting options in igraph, see:
Let's set some basic arguments. Here we set vertex size based on the number of speech acts (the number of cases that are aggregated in similarity.graph
is given as the vertex attribute V(g)$n)
V(g)$size = sqrt(V(g)$n) #set vertex size based on number of speech acts
Then we set the width of the edges based on the weight (the similarity score), and add the value as an edge label
E(g)$width = E(g)$weight * 5
E(g)$label = round(E(g)$weight, 2)
We offer the graph.color.vertices
function, which is a convenient way to color vertices. The function accepts a factor or character class vector to color vertices as categories. This will be used here to color vertices based on the party.
g = graph.color.vertices(g, as.character(V(g)$party)) # color vertices by party
## attribute color
## 1 VVD lightcoral
## 2 CDA green
We also add the years as vertex labels.
V(g)$label = as.character(V(g)$year) # use year as vertex label
Now we can visualize the network with the plot
From this network we can see that the strongest similarities are between the two parties within the same year, and that there are much weaker similarities between years, even within the same party.
Often it is usefull to filter a graph, such as deleting edges below a certain value or certain vertices. This is not possible with arguments to plot
. To do so, a new graph object has to be created in which edges/vertices are deleted. For the sake of convenience, we offer the graph.plot
function, which incorporates these steps.
graph.plot(g, min.edge = 0.1)
Finally, one might prefer to visualize/analyze the graph in other software, such as gephi. The write.graph
function in the igraph
package offers various ways to write graphs to specific formats.
Now, let's review the steps for a different example, using abstracts in 10 communication sciences journals from Web of Science, with 'social network' as a topic, from 2001 till 2009
dim(document.topic.matrix) # A sparse matrix of documents X topics (in this case a sample of the results from a topic model (LDA) over 848 abstracts, with 25 topics)
## [1] 147 20
dim(meta) # meta data for the documents in document.topic.matrix.
## [1] 147 5
g = similarity.graph(document.topic.matrix, vertex.grouping.vars = list(journal = meta$journal,
period = meta$period), similarity.measure = "correlation", min.similarity = 0)
g = graph.color.vertices(g, as.character(V(g)$journal)) # color vertices by journal
## attribute color
## 2 JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION lightslategray
## 6 NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY lightgrey
## 7 JAVNOST-THE PUBLIC mediumvioletred
## 8 MEDIA CULTURE & SOCIETY lightsalmon
V(g)$size = V(g)$n * 2 # use number of abstracts per node (year X journal)
V(g)$label = as.character(V(g)$journal) # use journal as vertex name
V(g)$label.cex = 0.7
In this example, we have used separate nodes for each journal X period combination. We can now plot different plots for each period
graph.plot(g, min.edge = 0.3, select.vertices = V(g)$period == "2001/2003")
graph.plot(g, min.edge = 0.3, select.vertices = V(g)$period == "2004/2006")
graph.plot(g, min.edge = 0.3, select.vertices = V(g)$period == "2007/2009")