sentinel1_metadata.yaml : sentinel1 metadata.
Sentinel1_product_definition.yaml : sentinel1 product definition.
dhusget : script to download whole datasets from scihub.copernicus.eu.
s1prepare : script to prepare preproccessed images to be indexable through the datacube api
- First configure the datacube Datacube installation
- Define the product and the metadata through the use of the datacube api
- Test the database with a simple jupyter notebook.
- Run the script under /PATH_OF_YOUR_DATACUBE_INSTALLATION/datacube_env/bin/activate to get access to the virtualenv
The path of the images-bands is incorrectly annotated if the rasters are in a subfolder.
Final yaml is saved as agdc-metadata.yaml on all inputs
The preparation script requires rasters to be on a folder called SENTINEL_1A (configurable through the script).
Implement recursive folder search to correct annotate the rasters' path.
Provide example queries for simple operations.
datacube product add <path-to-product-definition.yaml>
Examples of product definition can be found here
datacube metadata add <path-to-metadata-definition.yaml>
python <path-to-prepare-script.py> <path-to-folder-containing-tif-files>
datacube dataset add <path-to-yaml-generated-from-script>