Display upcoming classes using JackRabbitClass API.
[jr-class-listings orgID="12345"]
orgID is required to pull in the data.
Hide Columns: Class, Description, Days, Times, Gender, Ages, Openings, StartDate, EndDate, Session, Tuition. Reference
[jr-class-listings orgID="12345" HideCols="Description, Gender"]
Add Columns: Location, Cat1, Cat2, Cat3, Instructors, Duration, Room Reference
[jr-class-listings orgID="12345" ShowCols="Instructors, Room"]
Sort By:
- Class (Name in ABC order)Days, StartTime, Ages, Gender, Openings, StartDate, EndDate, Session, Tuition, Location, Cat1, Cat2, Cat3, Instructors, Duration, Room. Reference
[jr-class-listings orgID="12345"]
- %20desc - Use after a sort target to make a reverse sort (sort in descending order instead of ascending order).
- hidereg="1" - This will hide the register column.
- hdrstyle="color:blue" - This will change color of header text to specified color.
- hdrstyle="display:none" - This will hide the header row, in case you want to stack several tables.
- style="color:red" - This will change color of body text to specified color.
- ClassStyle="font-weight:bold" - This will change font of Class names to bold.
- ShowClosed="1" - To temporarily over-ride your system setting of not showing any full classes.
- Closed="Full" - This will change all "0"s in openings column to display text such as "Full" or "Please Call" or other text specified.
- registertext="Enroll" - This will change the word Register to Enroll, or other text, throughout table.
- tuitionlabel="Fee" - This will change the Tuition header name to Fee, or other text.
- classlabel="Program" - This will change the Class header name to Program, or other text.
- Cat1="dog | fish | bear | tiger" - Use spaces and the | symbol to join/show multiple Category 1 names in the same table (not possible for Cat2 or Cat3).
From your WordPress dashboard
- Visit 'Plugins > Add New'.
- Search for 'JackRabbitClass'.
- Activate JackRabbitClass from your Plugins page.
From our Github repository
- Download JackRabbitClass from Github.
- Upload the 'JackRabbitClass' directory to your '/wp-content/plugins/' directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc...).
- Activate JackRabbitClass from your Plugins page.
Want to contribute? Great!
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- 1.0