SkinApp - Kathleen Crozier
As skin turnover when trying new products is about 6-8 weeks time, it's hard to remember what you like and dislike when shopping for new skin products. This app allows a user to add skincare products to three different lists: current, favorites, and dislikes. It allows the user to keep track of these products. There will be other features added, but as of now, the app allows adding and deleting products to the three lists and saves them to the cloud (Parse). To add products, the user must search for them (product search is implemented with the Factual API), and then choose on which list to add it.
Notes: I signed up test users for the app that already have some products stored. Username: test Password: password
Username: test2 Password: password
Some example skincare search queries are: urban decay, lancome, clinique, philosophy, boscia, cerave