A simple GUI library for C3 programming language, based on Win32 API
module cforms;
Form* frm;
Button* b1;
Button* b2;
Button* b3;
Calendar* cal;
Label* lb;
TextBox* tb;
ComboBox* cmb;
CheckBox* cb;
RadioButton* rb1;
RadioButton* rb2;
ListBox* lbx;
DateTimePicker* dtp;
NumberPicker* np1;
NumberPicker* np2;
ProgressBar* pb;
TrackBar* tk;
TreeView* tv;
GroupBox* gb;
ListView* lv;
int cntr = 1;
Timer* tm;
TrayIcon* ti;
fn void makeWindow()
frm = newForm("Cforms gui library", width:800, height:550);
frm.onMouseDown = fn(c, e) => print("left mouse down on frm");
frm.createChilds = true; // Child controls will create their hwnd immediately.
// Add a tray icon for our program
ti = newTrayIcon("cforms sample tray icon!", "cforms.ico");
ti.onLeftMouseDown = fn(c, e) => print("left mouse down on tray");
ti.addContextMenu(TrayMenuTrigger.ANY_CLICK, "Button", "|", "CheckBox", "Label");
ti.contextMenu.menus(0).onClick = fn(c,e) => print("Button menu selected from tray");
// Let's add a timer. 400 is the ticking interval in ms.
// onTimerTick is the tick event handler
tm = frm.addTimer(400, &onTimerTick);
MenuBar* mb = frm.addMenubar("Windows", "Linux", "MacOS", "ReactOS");
mb.menus("Windows").addItems("Windows8", "Windows10", "|", "Windows11" );
mb.menus("Linux").addItems("Debian", "Fedora", "Ubuntu" );
mb.menus(0).menus("Windows11").onClick = &onMenuClick;
b1 = newButton(frm, "Normal Btn", 10, 10);
b1.onClick = &btnClick;
b2 = newButton(frm, "Flat Color", b1.right() + 10, 10);
// b2.onMouseClick = &btnClick2;
b2.onClick = &onB2Click;
b3 = newButton(frm, "Gradient", b2.right() + 10, 10);
// // b3.setForeColor(0x1f7a1f);
b3.setGradientColor(0xeeef20, 0x70e000); //0xeeef20, 0x70e000, 0xF4F269, 0x82C26E
cmb = newComboBox(frm, b3.right() + 10, 10);
cmb.addItems("Windows", "Linux", "MacOS", "ReactOS");
dtp = newDateTimePicker(frm, cmb.right() + 10, 10);
gb = newGroupBox(frm,"Compiler Options", 10, b1.bottom() + 10, height:150);
cb = newCheckBox(frm, "Threads On", 20, gb.ypos + 30);
CheckBox* cb2 = newCheckBox(frm, "Hints Off", 20, cb.bottom() + 10);
GroupBox* gb2 = newGroupBox(frm,"Project Data", 10, gb.bottom() + 10, height:150);
lb = newLabel(frm, "Line Space", 20, gb2.ypos + 30);
np1 = newNumberPicker(frm, lb.right() + 30, gb2.ypos + 30);
Label* lb2 = newLabel(frm, "Thread Count", 20, np1.bottom() + 14);
np2 = newNumberPicker(frm, lb2.right() + 10, np1.bottom() + 10, btnLeft:true);
lbx = newListBox(frm, gb.right() + 10, b1.bottom() + 10);
lbx.addItems("Windows", "MacOS", "Linux", "ReactOS");
lv = newListView(frm, lbx.right() + 10, b3.bottom() + 10, width:330, height:150);
lv.addColumns("Windows", "Linux", "MacOS", 100, 120, 100);
lv.addRow("Win7", "openSUSE", "Mojave");
lv.addRow("Win8", "Debian", "Catalina");
lv.addRow("Win10", "Fedora", "Big Sur");
lv.addRow("Win11", "Ubuntu", "Monterey");
lv.addContextMenu("Windows", "|", "Linux", "MacOS");
lv.contextMenu.menus(0).onClick = &onMenuClick;
pb = newProgressBar(frm, 15, np2.bottom() + 15);
pb.showPercentage = true;
rb1 = newRadioButton(frm, "Console App", 20, cb2.bottom() + 10);
rb2 = newRadioButton(frm, "Gui App", 20, rb1.bottom() + 10);
tb = newTextBox(frm, "Enter some text", gb2.right() + 10, lbx.bottom() + 10);
tk = newTrackBar(frm, gb2.right() + 10, tb.bottom() + 40, evtFn: &onTrackChange );
tv = newTreeView(frm, tk.right() + 40, lv.bottom() + 20, height:250);
tv.addNodeWithChilds("Windows", "Vista", "Win7", "Win8", "Win10", "Win11");
tv.addNodeWithChilds("MacOS", "Mountain Lion", "Mavericks", "Catalina", "Big Sur", "Monterey");
tv.addNodeWithChilds("Linux", "RedHat", "Mint", "Ubuntu", "Debian", "Kali");
cal = newCalendar(frm, gb2.right() + 10, tk.bottom() + 10);
fn int main(String[] args)
return 0;
fn void frmOnMouseDown(Control* f, MouseEventArgs* e) {
ti.showBalloon("My Balloon", "See this balloon message", 3500);
fn void frmMouseDown(Control* c, MouseEventArgs* e) {
cptf("Mouse hovered %d, %d \n", e.x, e.y);
fn void onB2Click(Control* s, EventArgs* e){
print("Button pressed");
fn void onTimerTick(Control* f, EventArgs* e) {
print("Timer ticked...");
fn void btnClick(Control* c, EventArgs* e) {
String inf = "Type\\A_Path\\Here";
String tf = "PDF Files\0*.pdf\0";
@withFileOpenDialog("Testing fod", inf, tf; FileOpenDialog fod) {
ptf("Sel Path : %s", fod.selectedPath);
fn void onMenuClick(MenuItem* m, EventArgs* e) {
ptf("menu text (191) %s", m.text);
fn void onTrackChange(Control* m, EventArgs* e) {