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Keith Baldwin edited this page Nov 30, 2023 · 7 revisions

This repository is built out to share DNA Center Templates and allows for ongoing submissions from those inclined to share their work with the community. Initially, the repository includes all the examples that we have used in this repository in RAW TEXT and JSON format. After your first submission, you will be able to continually add your templates as you develop new and interesting approaches to device management.

Please maintain the directory structure with submissions. If you have a suggestion please reach out and contact me.

Please use this menu to navigate the various sections of this separate DNAC Templates Store Github repository. Within the multiple folders are examples, explanation readme files for reference.

Network Automation Community

This community will use the forum on this repository to explain their examples and provide links to shared content within this part.

To join, all you have to do is email me,, and then when you have been added to the community, push code to this repository, and write a short post which I will feature on the Forum here.