- POST /signup (handled by signup)
- POST /login (handled by login)
- GET /protected (handled by protectedEndpoint)
- JWT stands for JSON Web Token
- JWT is a means of exchanging information between two parties (in payload)
- Digitally signed
{Base64 encoded Header}.{Base64 encoded Payload}.{Signature}
- Header contains algorithm and token type , and before encoding looks like
"alg": "HS256",
"typ": "JWT"
- The payload can carry claims, which are user and additional data such as token expiry, etc.
- Three types of claims: Registered, Public, and Private
- Before encoding, an example is
"email": "test@example.com",
"issuer": "course"
- The signature is computer from the header, payload, and a secret
- Signature generated by am algorithm
- Digitally signed using a secret string only known to the developer (cannot be decrypted)