Simple and effective contact form in PHP. This uses pure HTML and PHP, but better UI feedback with jQuery/ajax might be implemented later.
Please note this script uses your php.ini SMTP configuration for sending emails. The standard PHP mail() function does not support SMTP authentication/SSL etc.
The CAPTCHA is an ASCII generator which outputs thousands of # signs instead of a picture. Should be pretty secure against SPAM bots.
The ASCII CAPTCHA is a customized script, you may find the original here:
- Clone the project or copy the files: contact.php, asciicaptcha.php and bebas.ttf
- You may include contact.php from another file, but remember to use session_start(); at the top of your script.
- Edit the config variables and it's pretty much ready for use.
14.07.2014 v1.1.1
- Bug fix for CAPTCHA, forgot to transform input to lower case. This is now fixed with strtolower()
13.07.2014 v1.1.0
- Forgot to output the "telephone" field in the email
- Name is now also outputted in the email
- Added the nl2br() function for message for proper linebreaking
04.07.2014 v1.0.0
- First version released