Mod init your project, give it whatever name you like go mod init github.com/kenang68/go-graphql-job-crud Get all the dependencies go mod tidy
Initialize your project go run github.com/99designs/gqlgen init After you've written the graphql schema, run this - go run github.com/99designs/gqlgen generate
After you've built the project, run this - go run server.go
The database used here is MongoDB. For this example, it is installed in localhost.
These are the queries examples to interact with the API -
Get All Jobs query GetAllJobs{ jobs{ _id title description company url } }
Create Job mutation CreateJobListing($input: CreateJobListingInput!){ createJobListing(input:$input){ _id title description company url } }
{ "input": { "title": "Software Development Engineer - I", "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt", "company": "Google", "url": "www.google.com/" } }
Get Job By Id query GetJob($id: ID!){ job(id:$id){ _id title description url company } }
{ "id": "638051d7acc418c13197fdf7" }
Update Job By Id mutation UpdateJob($id: ID!,$input: UpdateJobListingInput!) { updateJobListing(id:$id,input:$input){ title description _id company url } }
{ "id": "638051d3acc418c13197fdf6", "input": { "title": "Software Development Engineer - III" } }
Delete Job By Id mutation DeleteQuery($id: ID!) { deleteJobListing(id:$id){ deletedJobId } }
{ "id": "638051d3acc418c13197fdf6" }