Kivy-Live-UI helps you code on your Computer system and see result instantly on your android phone without recompiling, It makes use of kaki
and watchdog
project to detect a file modification and then transmits the changes through python socket
to the server and then the server broadcast it to all Ui devices connected to it and all client code updaters too.
Client Updaters(Kivy-Live-Client) is the package in charge of transmitting update to the server
Kivy-Live-Server is the package in charge of broadcating the update transmitted by Kivy-Live-Client to all connected devices
Kivy-Live is the Android apk or package that displays the UI
: During the compilation of Kivy-Live to apk I used buildozer and after the first build, I change line 791 of .buildozer/android/platform/build-armeabi-v7a/dists/kivylive__armeabi-v7a/
ap.add_argument('--no-compile-pyo', dest='no_compile_pyo', action='store_true', help='Do not optimise .py files to .pyo.')
ap.add_argument('--no-compile-pyo', dest='no_compile_pyo', action='store_false', help='Do not optimise .py files to .pyo.')
(the change there is in action='store_*****'
this makes the python codes not to be compiled because the KivyLive app needs to be writing to those file so a to trigger the update event
Download and install the apk, start the server(KivyLiveServer)(make sure watchdog is installed), connect the android phone the server by providing the server ip
in the text field provided(in case you want to compile yours and add extra requirements, do not add kaki
because I mad a few changes and bundled it with the app), finally start the KivyLiveClient and point it to the directory that you want to listen update from e.g python3 /home/test/my_project/
During the 1st connection of the Client Updater(KivyLiveClient) the server will send it the latest update of the code and those codes will be stored in the same directory with the Client Updater
- create a class.json file that can be visible to CLASSES variable in file
- allow integration with personal project
- allow shipping of compiled recipes or requirement (like ffmpeg) over the network
- create a comprehensive tutorial on Kivy Live