Fusha is an easily customizable progress bar module for Python. It contains several progress bars which you can use after installing it; however, you can write your own progress bars to inherit the class provided in this package.
MIT License (MIT)
You can use fusha by using the with statement as follows;
with Fusha(): waiting_function()
You can write your own progresss bars by inheriting the FushaTemplate class as follows;
class Fusha(FushaTemplate): def __init__(self, interval=0.12) FushaTemplate.__init__(self, interval) def format(self): return waiting_format def exit_format(self): return exit_format
$ python setup.py install
$ pip install fusha
Fusha provides default three progress bars - Fusha, FushaBar, and FushaBubble.
The most easiest way to use Fusha is just creating an instance of fusha with with statement before calling your function which you must wait for a while:
import time
from fusha import Fusha
with Fusha():
That's all.
Fusha provides three default progress bars. You can use them as follows.
import time
from fusha import Fusha, FushaBar, FushaBubble
# FushaBar
print "Fusha start"
with Fusha(interval=0.12, title='now loading ...'):
print "finish"
print "FushaBar start"
with FushaBar(interval=0.12, bar_len=20) as f:
for i in range(100):
print "finish"
print "FushaBubble start"
with FushaBubble(interval=0.2, title="now loading ..."):
print "finish"
The following code downloads a content with the FushaBar progress bar.
from urllib.request import urlretrieve as retrieve
from fusha import FushaBar
url = "http://here/is/the/url/which/you/want/to/download"
with FushaBar(bar_len=100) as f:
reporthook=lambda count, total, size: f.update(
int(100 * float(count) * total / size))
You can create your own progress bars.
First, implement a new class which inherits the FushaTemplate class provided in this module. Then, override two methods - format and exit_format . The format method will be called while your function running in the with statement. On the other hand, the exit_format method will be called after your function is finished. Both functions should return string.
The following code is for FushaBubble:
from fusha import FushaTemplate
class FushaBubble(FushaTemplate):
def __init__(self,
title='waiting ...'):
FushaTemplate.__init__(self, interval)
self.title = title
self._count = 0
def format(self):
if self._count % 3 == 0:
fmt = '\r{0} .'.format(self.title)
elif self._count % 3 == 1:
fmt = '\r{0} o'.format(self.title)
fmt = '\r{0} O'.format(self.title)
# set count
if self._count == 2:
self._count = 0
self._count += 1
return fmt
def exit_format(self):
return '\r{0} done\n'.format(self.title)