This NPM package parses tweets.
The Twitter API provides information about tweets in a format and includes different sections for @mentions, #hashtags and URLs.
This package splits apart a tweet into multiple different tweet parts. Given an input that looks like this:
var tweet = {
"text": "RT @wordswithchung: Doodled this diagram from @KenMazaika's article on @ThePracticalDev because it really resonated how I often feel. https\u2026",
"entities": {
"hashtags": [],
"symbols": [],
"user_mentions": [{
"screen_name": "wordswithchung",
"name": "Chung Nguyen",
"id": 754059770173202433,
"id_str": "754059770173202433",
"indices": [3, 18]
}, {
"screen_name": "KenMazaika",
"name": "Ken Mazaika",
"id": 44006917,
"id_str": "44006917",
"indices": [46, 57]
}, {
"screen_name": "ThePracticalDev",
"name": "The Practical Dev",
"id": 2735246778,
"id_str": "2735246778",
"indices": [71, 87]
"urls": []
This package will transform this single tweet into a list of specific tweet parts, perfect for looping through and adding custom links to different pages within an application:
[ { indices: [ 0, 3 ], value: 'RT ' },
{ type: 'mention', indices: [ 3, 18 ], value: '@wordswithchung' },
{ indices: [ 18, 46 ], value: ': Doodled this diagram from ' },
{ type: 'mention', indices: [ 46, 57 ], value: '@KenMazaika' },
{ indices: [ 57, 71 ], value: '\'s article on ' },
{ type: 'mention',
indices: [ 71, 87 ],
value: '@ThePracticalDev' },
{ indices: [ 87, 140 ],
value: ' because it really resonated how I often feel. https…' } ]
To bring the package into your project, run the command:
npm install --save parse-tweet
From there you can simply import the method and pass it along the relevant tweet information.
The following is an example node script that uses the package.
var parseTweet = require("parse-tweet");
var tweet = {
"text": "RT @wordswithchung: Doodled this diagram from @KenMazaika's article on @ThePracticalDev because it really resonated how I often feel. https\u2026",
"entities": {
"hashtags": [],
"symbols": [],
"user_mentions": [{
"screen_name": "wordswithchung",
"name": "Chung Nguyen",
"id": 754059770173202433,
"id_str": "754059770173202433",
"indices": [3, 18]
}, {
"screen_name": "KenMazaika",
"name": "Ken Mazaika",
"id": 44006917,
"id_str": "44006917",
"indices": [46, 57]
}, {
"screen_name": "ThePracticalDev",
"name": "The Practical Dev",
"id": 2735246778,
"id_str": "2735246778",
"indices": [71, 87]
"urls": []
parse-tweet is released under the MIT License