#Amity Space Allocater
#Introduction Amity Space Allocater is console application that allocates spaces to fellows and staff within Andela
#Installation Download the application
$ git clone https://github.com/lederp23/amity.git
$ cd amity
Create and Start Virtual environment
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 .env
$ gicd amity/
$ source .env/bin/activate
Install dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
#Run the application
python amity.py -i
create_room <room_name>
- Creates a room in amity and when a new room is created it autoallocates all the unallocated people
add_person <name> <Fellow|staff> (y|n)
- Adds person to Amity and takes the job type argument and wants accomodation
reallocate_person <name> <Fellow|staff>
- Reallocate a particular person to a particular room
load_people - Adds people form a txt file
print_allocations [-o=filename]
- Prints a list of all rooms and its respective members
print_unallocated [-o=filename]
- Prints a list of people who do not have office or living spaces
print_room <room_name>
- Prints all members in a particular room
Save_state [--db=database]
- Saves all changes to the default databases or the specified database
Load_state <database_name>
- loads contents of the specified database
#Credits Kenneth Kipyegon