What is this? This is a work in progress game engine in development by Kenneth Malac. This engine might become subject to relicensing, but for now is released under a liberal license. This code is heavily untested and an abstraction warehouse — Do not blame me if you use my code and it breaks!
What is required to compile this? I use C++17. Please compile using CMake. Not tested on Windows. Go ahead and modify the CMakeLists.txt if you have to.
How do I run the test suite? I use the brilliant little header-only library called Catch. Please see the Catch documentation for details. All tests are available in test/
Why do you have the brackets like that? I actually prefer it that way because of Lisperati. Cmake's format file is set to LLVM style otherwise.
Why does this engine stink? It's not done yet. Click that freaking star button and get out of here!