Program that moves items from Amazon Echo's to-do list to Google Calendar
Echo2Google monitors Amazon Echo's to-do list for items. When it finds a new item, it moves the item to a Google calendar. The Google calendar API handles natural language entries so that you can say things like "Turn in TPS report tomorrow at 5pm" and it will create an entry "Turn in TPS report" with a start time of tomorrow at 5pm.
In order to run Echo2Google, you will need to sign up as a google developer(free) so that you can gain access to a developer account. The developer account allows you to get a "Client ID" which is use to track the Google API usage. You'll need to download the "client_secrets.json" file which contains your developer client ID and client secret. For more information on setting up your developer console, see this website
You will need to follow the instructions on the "/firstapp/Prerequisites" tab to setup the developer console and obtain the client ID. You will also need to follow the instructions in "/firstapp/Set up a Client Library" to download the google api python extension.
PyEcho Google API pytz: install from easy_install dateutil: install from repo gflags: install from repo beautifulsoup: install from repo bs4: install from repo
Usage: ./ -[u:p:j:d:] -u: Amazon username -p: Amazon password -j: Google client secrets json file -d: delay in seconds between each check for new tasks (default 30)
If no username/password is given, this program will ask for them.