SITS is a Python library for dealing with satellite images time-series.
Use the package manager pip to install SITS.
pip install SITS
Here is a basic Python script example. For more details, read the documentation here.
import sits
# loads csv table with geographic coordinates into GeoDataFrame object
csv_file = 'my_file.csv'
# instantiates a SITS.Csv2gdf object
sits_df = sits.Csv2gdf(csv_file, 'lon', 'lat', 4326)
# converts coordinates of sits_df into EPSG:3035
# calculates buffer with a radius of 100 m for each feature.
sits_df.set_buffer('gdf', 100)
# calculates the boundiug box for each buffered feature.
# exports geometries as a GIS vector file
sits_df.to_vector('bbox', 'output/my_file_bbox.geojson', driver='GeoJSON')
# gets Sentinel-2 time-series from STAC catalog
# requests STAC catalog for each geometries of sits_df.bbox
for index, row in sits_df.bbox.iterrows():
gid = sits_df.bbox.loc[index, 'gid']
row_geom = sits_df.bbox.loc[index, 'geometry']
row_geom_4326 = sits_df.bbox.to_crs(4326).loc[index, 'geometry']
aoi_bounds = list(row_geom.bounds)
aoi_bounds_4326 = list(row_geom_4326.bounds)
# opens access to a STAC provider (by default Microsoft Planetary)
imgs = sits.StacAttack()
# searches items based on bbox coordinates and time interval criteria
date_start=datetime(2016, 1, 1),
date_end=datetime(2019, 12, 31))
# extracts Sentinel-2 metadata and writes in csv file.
imgs.items_prop["station_id"] = gid
# loads time-series images in EPSG:3035
imgs.loadImgs(aoi_bounds, crs_out=3035)
# exports time-series into csv file and netCDF file
imgs.to_csv(out_dir, gid)
imgs.to_nc(out_dir, gid, 'image')
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.