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SITS Python Package

SITS is a Python library for dealing with satellite images time-series.


Use the package manager pip to install SITS.

pip install SITS


Here is a basic Python script example. For more details, read the documentation here.

import sits

# loads csv table with geographic coordinates into GeoDataFrame object
csv_file = 'my_file.csv'

# instantiates a SITS.Csv2gdf object
sits_df = sits.Csv2gdf(csv_file, 'lon', 'lat', 4326)

# converts coordinates of sits_df into EPSG:3035 

# calculates buffer with a radius of 100 m for each feature.
sits_df.set_buffer('gdf', 100)

# calculates the boundiug box for each buffered feature.

# exports geometries as a GIS vector file
sits_df.to_vector('bbox', 'output/my_file_bbox.geojson', driver='GeoJSON')

# gets Sentinel-2 time-series from STAC catalog

# requests STAC catalog for each geometries of sits_df.bbox
for index, row in sits_df.bbox.iterrows():
    gid = sits_df.bbox.loc[index, 'gid']
    row_geom = sits_df.bbox.loc[index, 'geometry']
    row_geom_4326 = sits_df.bbox.to_crs(4326).loc[index, 'geometry']
    aoi_bounds = list(row_geom.bounds)
    aoi_bounds_4326 = list(row_geom_4326.bounds)

    # opens access to a STAC provider (by default Microsoft Planetary)
    imgs = sits.StacAttack()
    # searches items based on bbox coordinates and time interval criteria
                     date_start=datetime(2016, 1, 1), 
                     date_end=datetime(2019, 12, 31))
    # extracts Sentinel-2 metadata and writes in csv file.
    imgs.items_prop["station_id"] = gid
    # loads time-series images in EPSG:3035
    imgs.loadImgs(aoi_bounds, crs_out=3035)
    # exports time-series into csv file and netCDF file
    imgs.to_csv(out_dir, gid)
    imgs.to_nc(out_dir, gid, 'image')


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


GNU GPL v.3.0