On macOS, there are plenty of trackpad gestures for navigating the desktop environment, such as switching between Spaces or viewing all windows open. But manually resizing a window still requires placing the cursor over the edge of a window and dragging. And if I wanted to also resize in another direction, I would have to place the cursor over the other edge and drag again. Considering the technology available, I think this is pretty unrefined.
I built this app so that I could resize windows the same way I zoom in and out when looking at photos: by spreading and pinching with two fingers. This means that windows can be resized in all four directions simultaneously and independently.
Hold down β₯ Option and β Command and use one finger to drag the entire window or two fingers to resize it.
The latest build can be found under releases.
Thanks goes to jnordberg for building a solution to retrieve raw multitouch data from the trackpad and also for building a great visualization app for the data that came in super handy for sensitivity tuning and debugging.
Thanks also goes to keith for providing a nice Swift app that served as this app's base.