This software package aims to provide several tools for working with representations of the Lie-algebras 𝔰𝔲(n).
The core library is written in C for efficiency and has bindings for numpy, sympy and Mathematica.
Python requirements:
- numpy
- sympy
import sun.numeric as sun
irrep = sun.Irrep(dynkin=[3,8])
irrep = Irrep[5,2,1]
X = LieAlgebraBasisMatrices[irrep, BasisType→"LoweringRaising"]
The package is an implementation of the algorithm outlined in [1].
[1] Alex, Arne, et al. "A numerical algorithm for the explicit calculation of SU(N) and SL(N, C) Clebsch–Gordan coefficients." Journal of Mathematical Physics 52.2 (2011): 023507.
- Generate irreducible representations from Dynkin labels
- Python bindings
- Mathematica bindings
- Decompose tensor products into irreducible representations
- Clebsch-Gordon coefficients