Used to more intuitively visualize a SHA256 or SHA1 hash.
Hash of previous commit:
Install by running pip install shavis
Usage: shavis [OPTIONS]...[FILE]
Visualize SHA256 or SHA1 hash sum, either directly or of a file.
With no flags, print this help page and exit.
Change configuration for resolution and theme with persistence
[--config theme NAME] [--config size N]
-f, --file Hash file and visualize hash
[-f filename.ext] [--file filename.ext]
-s, --hash Input hash directly as argument
[-s HASH] [--hash HASH] (HASH has to be SHA256)
-r, --resolution
Pick resolution size, options:
[N] SHA256 SHA1 (Git)
1 - 8x8 - 8x5
2 - 16x16 - 16x10
3 - 32x32 - 32x20
4 - 64x64 - 64x40
5 - 128x128 - 128x80
6 - 256x256 - 256x160
7 - 512x512 - 512x320
8 - 1024x1024 - 1024x640
9 - 2048x2048 - 2048x1280
10 - 4096x4096 - 4096x2560
[-r N] [--resolution N]
-t, --theme Change theme, currently available themes:
blue, red, gold, natur, dim, dark, cyan, soft-fall.
[-t red] [--theme gold]
-o, --output Output to file and (optionally) choose file name
[-o def] [--output def] or [-o "output.png"] [--output "output.png"]
-g, --git Use a git commit hash to generate 8x5 image
[-g HASH] [--git HASH] (HASH has to be SHA-1)
-gl --git-latest Use latest git commit hash from current directory to generate 8x5 image
[-l] [--git-latest]
-m, --mono Black and white output. No arguments.
[-m] [--mono]
-h, --help Display this help and exit
[-h] [--help]
If output filename is "def", the file name will be the first 7 hex digits
of the hash in a .png format.
Current config:
theme: red
size: 7
color: True
git: False
shavis filename.ext
shavis -t cyan -r 4 -o def -s HASH
shavis -m -o commit.png -g GIT-HASH
Piping accessibility examples:
cat file.ext | shavis
git rev-parse HEAD | shavis -g
Check out the project at:
I am aware of the argparse or click python modules for argument parsing, I wanted to experiment by creating my own argument parser by hand, in the future I'll probably move argument parsing to one of those modules for stability.