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Jet Pet Rescue App

Linkedin: kerollosragaie GitHub Kerollos Ragaie


Jet Pet Rescue App is a cutting-edge repository that serves as a comprehensive and interactive learning resource for developers interested in mastering Jetpack Compose, Retrofit, and the seamless integration of the Coil image loading library.

Deep links:

Note: Unfortunately I don't have any domain (website) to host.

So the best solution is to implment deep links locally on the device using ADB (Android Debug Bridge) using any local domain (

"" => Runs details screen

Let's test deep links

For sure if tryed to launch the app from any browser on the device it will not open because '' is a local host (dummy url), so the best solution to test if deep links works or no, I will call ADB and give it the local host '' and my app package name '' like below:

  1. Download and run the project using Android Studio and in the terminal type below line and press enter:
adb shell 'am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -c android.intent.category.BROWSABLE -d "'
  1. And Details Screen will open.


Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2