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A distributed hash table (DHT) based on Chord

build status DeepSource



In a chord system of rank m, a node is assigned an ID (using sha1) that's between [0, 2**m). e.g., in a chord ring of rank 7 (m=7), every node or key is hashed and assigned to an ID between [0, 127).

Node structure

In this implementation of chord (chordio), every node is a GRPC server maintaining a finger table of m entries.

Basic Node operations

Find Successor

def find_succ(n, id)
    n' = find_pred(n, id)
    return n'.succ

Find Predecessor

def find_pred(n, id)
    n' = n
    while id not in (n', n'.succ]:
        n' = n'.closest_preceding_finger(id)
    return n'

Closest Preceding Finger

Node join

When a node n is first started, it initiates its finger table like so:

def init_finger(n):
    for i in range(m):
        n.finger[i] = n

When a node is to join another node n':

def join(n, n'):
    init_finger(n, n')
# initialize finger table of the local node
def init_finger(n, n'):
    succ = n.finger[0].node = n'.find_successor(n.finger[0].start)
    pred = succ.pred
    succ.pred = n
    for i in range(0, m-1):
        if n.finger[i+1].start in [n, n.finger[i].node):
            n.finger[i+1].node = n.finger[i].node
            n.finger[i+1].node = n'.find_successor(n.finger[i+1].start)
# update all nodes whose finger tables should refer to n
def update_others(n):
    for i in range(0, m):
        # find last node p whose ith finger might be n
        p = find_predecessor(n-2**i)
        p.update_finger(n, i)

# if s is ith finger of n, update n's finger table with s
def update_finger(n, s, i):
    if s in [n, n.finger[i].node):
        n.finger[i].node = s
        p = n.pred
        p.update_finger(s, i)


A DHT based on chord






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