Cocoa Helpers are a collection of categories we've written to the Apple UIKit/Cocoa classes to make them more useful.
- empty property - Checks to see if the array is empty
- containsObjectForKey: - Checks to see if the dictionary contains the given key
- empty property - Checks to see if the dictionary is empty
- containsString: - Checks to see if the string contains the given string, case insenstive
- containsString:options: - Checks to see if the string contains the given string while allowing you to define the compare options
- md5 - Returns the MD5 value of the string
- baseString - Returns a string of the base of the URL, will contain a trailing slash
- UIAlertViewQuick(NSString title, NSString message, NSString* dismissButtonTitle)** - Convenience method to throw a quick alert to the user
- UIColorMakeRGB(nRed,nGreen,nBlue) - Convenience method to return a UIColor with RGB values based on 255
- availableMemory property - Available device memory in MB
- imageWithContentsOfURL: - Creates an image from the contents of a URL
- scaleToSize: - Scales the image to the given size
- scaleAndCropToSize: - Scales and crops the image to the given size
- scaleHeightAndCropWidthToSize: - Scales the height and crops the width to the size
- scaleWidthAndCropHeightToSize: - Scales the width and crops the height to the size
- scaleToSize:withOffset: - Scales image to the size, crops to the offset
There's additional documentation and examples provided in each header file
Feel free to contact if you need any help with any of these methods or wish to contribute to Cocoa Helpers.