This is the project for CMPT733 - Programming for Big Data II.
Latest version of Anaconda (
TensorFlow 1.15 [conda create --name tf1 tensorflow=1.15]
Keras [conda install keras]
OpenCV [conda install opencv]
Django 1.10 [pip install django==1.10]
MTCNN [pip install mtcnn]
keras-vggface [pip install keras-vggface]
Scikit-Learn [conda install scikit-learn]
matplotlib [conda install matplotlib]
In order to run the product, you need to go to the HexaFace/django/ folder in command line.
Now, run the following command to run the server:
python runserver
if you get any errors when starting, please run:
python migrate
This command runs the application server on
Pay attention that port 8000 may be occupied on your system.