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DSA (Data Structures and Algorithms)

DSA (Data Structures and Algorithms) is the leading cause of DSA (Depression, Stress and Anxiety).


This section contains implementations of useful algorithms that can be leveraged to solve various computational problems efficiently.

Data Structures

Explore this section to find well-organized and optimized data structures that can be used to store and manipulate data effectively.

Leetcode Solutions

In this section, you will find my solutions to problems from Leetcode, a popular platform for coding interviews. These solutions can serve as a reference for tackling similar problems.


Refer to this section for comprehensive notes on mathematics, covering topics relevant to algorithmic problem-solving and data structures.


This section contains valuable insights and advice on problem-solving strategies, tips, and techniques. Enhance your problem-solving skills and approach complex challenges with confidence.

Useful Resources

  • CS214: Data Structures - A highly recommended YouTube playlist that provides in-depth lectures on data structures. Access it here.
  • Introduction to Algorithms - A renowned textbook by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein. It offers a comprehensive introduction to algorithms and their analysis.
  • GeeksforGeeks - An online platform that provides a wide range of articles, tutorials, and practice problems on data structures and algorithms. Visit their website here.
  • Coursera: Algorithms, Part I - A course offered by Princeton University on Coursera that covers fundamental algorithms and data structures. Enroll in the course here.
  • CodeSignal - An interactive platform that offers coding challenges to improve algorithmic problem-solving skills. Explore their website here.
  • HackerRank - A popular platform that provides coding challenges and competitions to enhance problem-solving skills. Visit their website here.
  • Cracking the Coding Interview - A comprehensive book by Gayle Laakmann McDowell that contains valuable insights and practice questions for coding interviews.
  • Project Euler - A collection of challenging mathematical and computational problems that can help develop problem-solving skills. Explore the problems here.
  • AlgoExpert - A platform with a curated collection of interview questions and solutions, helping you improve your problem-solving abilities. Visit their website here.

[Note: Feel free to add more sections or resources as needed to further enhance the repository.]