Provides provision to Store and Customize the Query Fields Configurations for Client,
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'fielder'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install Fielder
You can configure the fielder in two ways, i.e by enabling the read model and not enabling it:
Fielder.configure.enable_read = true # to enable read model Fielder.configure.enable_read = false # normal mode # In block Format Fielder.configure do |config| config.enable_read = true end # To read configuration Fielder.configuration
The vital part of fielder is all about generators, it does it by generating all the generic classes and module for you.
To install:
rails g fielder:install
This will generate all the migrations required for installing fielder, but does not run the migration. Do not run the migration yet.
Generate all the active record classes for accessing the fielder's objects:
rails g fielder:model
With Options:
rails g fielder:model --read-model
Generates the fielder's model along with read model, make sure you have read model enabled inside your fielder's configurations.
You can also generate read model separately:
rails g fielder:read_model
For reads, fielder supports materialized view, leverages the features of a very popular gem call scenic, make sure you add
gem 'scenic'
to you application Gemfile and bundle up.
Final step, run the migration:
bundle exec rails db:migrate
Read Model Set Up
After the migration, you will need to set up the SQL query for you read models schema, i have left this choice completely for the users, as there are multiple ways the read models can be formulated depending the on clients need. Following is the recommended example:
SELECT AS prime_model_id, AS prime_model_name, prime_models.code AS prime_model_code, prime_model.modelable_id AS modelable_id, prime_model.modelable_type AS modelable_type AS field_model_id, AS field_model_name, field_models.code AS field_model_code, AS setting_id, field_settings.rank AS setting_rank, field_settings.display AS setting_display FROM prime_models LEFT JOIN field_models ON field_models.prime_model_id = LEFT JOIN field_settings ON field_settings.field_model_id =
Refresh Read Model
Fielder's read model generator will always generate read model which supports concurrent refresh(uniq index enabled forsetting_id
). If you want to have this feature disabled:# goto app/models/prime_model_list.rb and make concurrently: false, like following class PrimeModelList < ActiveRecord::Base self.primary_key = :setting_id def self.refresh Scenic.database.refresh_materialized_view(table_name, concurrently: false, cascade: false) end def readonly? true end end # or just Scenic.database.refresh_materialized_view(table_name, cascade: false) # as the key argument is false by default in scenic.